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Sedysheva G. A. (2015): The All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) is 170 years old. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 1-5. Available at:
The author presents a brief history of the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding and the directions of its activity. The main directions are: the development of new competitive varieties of fruit and berry plants suitable for cultivation according to the contemporary intensive technologies; the development of theoretical and methodical principles of new fruit and berry plant creating with the use of methods of combinative breeding, polyploidy and biotechnology; the mobilization of conservation and study of the world gene pool of fruit plants and their wild predecessors for using in breeding; the improvement and development of new resource preserving technologies of fruit, berry and planting material production on the ground of new cultivars. The basic results of the work of the Institute departments and laboratories in breeding are given.
1. Sedov E.N. (2006): The oldest pomological institution. Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
2. Materials approaching to the biography of the agricultural scientists “Sedov Evgeny Nikolaevich (2010): Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
KrasovaN. G., GalashevaA. M. (2015): Genetic collection of VNIISPK apple and its use in breeding. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 6-11. Available at:
The results of the long-term study of apple gene pool at the VNIISPK are presented. The varieties and selections with high display of phenotypic traits of winter hardiness, scab and fruit rot resistance, productivity and fruit quality have been released and recommended for use in breeding as initial forms. Promising resources are shown for developing scab immune triploid varieties of different maturing dates as well as varieties with higher contents of biologically active and nutrient substances in fruit. The analysis of VNIISPK breeding varieties by their origin shows that the most varieties (5…12) have been obtained from Papirovka Tetraploid, 814 and SR0523 seedlings, Wealthy Tetraploid, Redfree, Antonovka Krasnbochka, McIntosh, Antonovka Obyknvennaya, Bessemianka Michurinskaya, Prima and Wealthy.
1. Vavilov N. I. (1966): Selected Works. Genetics and Breeding. Moscow, Kolos. (in Russian).
2. Dzyubenko N. I. (2015): Genetic resources of cultivated plants are the basis of food and ecological safety of Russia. Vestnik Rossiyskoy Akademii nauk [Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 85(1): 3-9. (in Russian).
3. Catalogue of apple varieties (varietal fund and its use) (1981): Orel, Orlovskoe otdelenie Priokskogo knizhnogo izdatelstva. (in Russian).
4. Krasova N.G. (1996): Varietal fund of apple and pear and its use in breeding and production. [Agr. Sci. Doctor. Thesis]. Moscow, VSTISP. (in Russian).
5. Michurin I. V. (1949): The results of activities for 60 years. Moscow, OGIZ.: 71-168. (in Russian).
6. Savelev N.I., Saveleva N.N., Yushkov A.N. (2009): Promising scab immune apple varieties. Michurinsk-naukograd. (in Russian).
7. Sedov E.N. (2011): Breeding and new apple varieties. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian).
8. Sedov E.N., Krasova N.G., Serova Z.M. (2012): Genetic collection use in apple breeding at the VNIISPK. Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo [Horticulture and viticulture], 6: 18-21. (in Russian).
9. Sedov E.N., Sedysheva G.A., Makarkina M.A., Serova Z.M., Korneeva S.A. (2014): Priority directions in apple breeding. In: Breeding and variety propagation of orchard crops. 2: 5-28. (in Russian).
Van de Weg W. Eric, Roeland E. Voorrips, Johannes W. Kruisselbrink, Hans Jansen, Anna Pikunova, Zoya Serova, Nina Krasova, Evgeny Sedov, Franñois Laurens, Marco À.Ñ.Ì. Bink
Van de Weg W. Eric, Roeland E. Voorrips, Johannes W. Kruisselbrink, Hans Jansen, Anna Pikunova, Zoya Serova, Nina Krasova, Evgeny Sedov, François Laurens, Marco À.Ñ.Ì. Bink(2015): Pedigree Based Analyses: A powerful approach for QTL discovery in pedigreed breeding germplasm and support on breeding decisions. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 12-19. Available at:
Pedigree Based Analysis (PBA) is an innovative and powerful approach for the discovery and characterisation of marker-trait associations for use in marker assisted breeding. The power of PBA comes from the simultaneous analysis of multiple segregating full sib families, the use of breeding germplasm, and the use of known genetic relationships. The use of multiple families allows representation of wide genetic diversity thus increasing probability that desired genes/alleles are presented and segregating. This also allows examination of QTL performance across different genetic backgrounds, thus providing knowledge on the general applicability of results. Finally, the use of multiple families increases the population size and thereby the statistical power. The use of breeding germplasm of ongoing breeding activities makes results directly applicable and relevant to the breeder and also reduces experimental costs since plant materials and part of the phenotypic measurements are already available. Finally, PBA provides a framework for extending the population and phenotypic data in time, thereby further strengthening statistical power. The statistical approaches and software have been validated through an integrated study on 27 families from five breeding programs from four countries [1] from which some results are presented in figures 1 &2. Current PBA software includes FlexQTLTM for QTL discovery and characterization [1], Pedimap for the graphical presentation [2], Visual-FQ, which provides structured guidance through the analyses and FQ-haplotyper which assigns alleles to haploblocks (sets of tightly linked SNP markers).
1. Bink MCAM. Bayesian QTL analyses using pedigreed families of an outcrossing species, with application to fruit firmness in apple / Bink MCAM, Jansen J, Madduri M, Voorrips RE, Durel C-E, Kouassi AB, Laurens F, Mathis F, Gessler C, Gobbin D, Rezzonico F, Patocchi A, Kellerhals M, Boudichevskaia A, Dunemann F, Peil A, Nowicka A, Lata B, Stankiewicz-Kosyl M, Jeziorek K, Pitera E, Soska A, Tomala K, Evans KM, Fernández-Fernández F, Guerra W, Korbin M, Keller S, Lewandowski M, Plocharski W, Rutkowski K, Zurawicz E, Costa F, Sansavini S, Tartarini S, Komjanc M, Mott D, Antofie A, Lateur M, Rondia A, Gianfranceschi L, van de Weg WE // Theor Appl. Genet. – 2014. – ¹127. – Ð.1073-1090. DOI 10.1007/s00122-014-2281-3
2. Voorrips R.E. PEDIMAP: Software for the visualization of genetic and phenotypic data in pedigrees. / Voorrips R.E., Bink MCAM, Van de Weg WE // J. Heredity. – 2012. – ¹103. – Ð.903-907. DOI 10.1093/jhered/ess060
3. Chagné D., Genome-wide SNP detection, validation, and development of an 8K SNP array for apple. / Chagné D., Crowhurst RN, Troggio M, Davey MW, Gilmore B, Lawley C, Vanderzande S, Hellens RP, Kumar S, Cestaro A, VelascoR, Main D, Rees JD, Iezzoni E, Mockler T, Wilhelm L, van de Weg WE, Gardiner SE, Bassil N, Peace C // PLoS ONE. – 2012. – ¹7(2). –å31745. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031745
4. Verde I. Development and evaluation of a 9K SNP array for peach by internationally coordinated SNP detection and validation in breeding germplasm. / Verde I, Bassil N, Scalabrin S, Gilmore B, Lawley CT, Gasic K, Micheletti D, Rosyara UR, Cattonaro F, Vendramin E, Main D, Aramini V, Blas AL, Mockler TC, Bryant DW, Wilhelm L, Troggio M, Sosinski B, Aranzana MJ, Arús P, Iezzoni E, Morgante M, Peace C // PLoS ONE. – 2012. – ¹7(4). – e35668. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035668
5. Peace Ñ.Development and evaluation of a genome-wide 6K SNP array for diploid sweet cherry and tetraploid sour cherry. / Peace Ñ, Bassil N, Main D, Ficklin S, Rosyara UR, Stegmeir T, Sebolt A, Gilmore B, Lawley C, Mockler TC, Bryant DW, Wilhelm L, Iezzoni A // PLoS ONE. – 2012. – ¹7(12). – e48305. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048305
6. Bianco L.Development and validation of a 20K Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) whole genome genotyping array for apple (Malus × domestica Borkh). / Bianco L, Cestaro A, Sargent DJ, BanchiE, Derdak S, Di Guardo N, Salvi S, Viola R, Gut I, Laurens F, Chagné D, Velasco R, van de Weg E, Troggio M. // PLoS ONE. – 2014. – ¹9(10). – e110377. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110377
7.Bassil N.V. Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a 90K Axiom® SNP Array in the Allo-octoploid Cultivated Strawberry Fragaria ×ananassa. / Bassil NV, Davis TM, Zhang H, Ficklin S, Mittmann M, Webster T, Mahoney L, Wood D, Alperin ES, Rosyara UR, Koehorst-van Putten HJJ, Monfort A, Sargent DJ, Amaya I, Denoyes B, Bianco L, van Dijk T, Pirani A, Iezzoni A, Main D, Peace C, Yang Y, Whitaker V, Verma S, Bellon L, Brew F, Herrera R, van de Weg E// BMC Genomics. –¹16. – Ð.155. Doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1310-1
8. Peace C. A strategy for developing representative germplasm sets for systematic QTL validation, demonstrated for apple, peach, and sweet cherry. /Peace C, Luby J, van de Weg E, Bink M, Iezzoni A // Tree Gen Genom. – 2014. – ¹10. – Ð.1679-1694. DOI 10.1007/s11295-014-0788-z
9. Rosyara UR. Fruit size QTL identification and the prediction of parental QTL genotypes and breeding values in multiple pedigreed populations of sweet cherry. / Rosyara UR, Bink MCAM, van de Weg E, Zhang G, Sebolt A, Dirlewanger E, Quero-Garcia J, Schuster M, Iezzoni AF // Molecular Breeding. – 2013. – ¹32. – Ð.875-887.DOI 10.1007/s11032-013-9916-y
10. Laurens F.Review on apple genetics and breeding programmes and presentation of a new European initiative to increase fruit breeding efficiency./ Laurens F, Durel CE, Patocchi A, Peil A, Salvi S, Tartarini S, Velasco R, van de WegÅ // J. Fruit Sci. – 2010. – ¹27. – Ð.102-107.
11. Pikunova A.‘Schmidt’s Antonovka’ is identical to ‘Common Antonovka’, an apple cultivar widely used in Russia in breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses. / Pikunova A, Madduri M, Sedov E, Noordijk Y, Peil A, Troggio M, Bus VGM, Visser RGF, van de Weg E(2013): // TreeGen. Genom. – 2013. – ¹10. – Ð.261-271. DOI 10.1007/s11295-013-0679-8.
MakarkinaM. A., PavelA. R., YanchukT. V. (2015): Fruit and berry breeding at the VNIISPK for improved chemical composition of fruit. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 20-34. Available at:
The results of the breeding work at the VNIISPK on the assessment, selection and crossings for the improved chemical composition of apple, black and red currant fruit are presented. The assessment of apple, black and red currant gene pools is given on biochemical composition of fruit. The best varieties, elite and selected seedlings with a high content of soluble solids, sugars, ascorbic acid and phenolics have been released as sources for further breeding for the improved chemical composition of fruit. The best combinations of crossings are presented according to each selected trait. The possibility of obtaining genotypes with a necessary level of trait expression on the basis of selection of parents is shown as a result of the study of the regularities of the inheritance of biochemical composition indices in a hybrid progeny. Both positive and negative transgressions have been found according to the content of biochemical substances. The selection of promising hybrids has been found to be possible in the families where the parents have average indices. The polygenic control of the content of soluble solids, ascorbic acid and phenolics has been confirmed in fruit of apple, black and red currant hybrids. Initial forms and valuable sources have been released from the hybrid fund for the further breeding for improved chemical composition of fruit.
1. Bayanova L.V., Sedova Z.A., Makarkina M.A. (1993): The opportunity of using wild forms in red currant breeding for high content of biologically active substances. In: Remote hybridization and polyploidy in fruit and berry breeding. Orel, VNIISPK: 11. (in Russian).
2. Vitkovskiy V.L. (1969): Red currant varieties and selections of different origin in conditions of the Kola Peninsula. Trudy po prikladnoy botanike, genetike i selektsii [Works on applied botany, genetics and breeding], 40(3): 155-162. (in Russian).
3. Makarkina M.A. (2000): The biochemical assessment of red currant varieties and hybrids in connection with their using in breeding and production. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
4. Makarkina M.A. (2009): Apple and red currant breeding for the improvement of fruit chemical composition. [Agr. Sci. Doctor Thesis]. Bryansk, Bryansk State Agrarian Academy. (in Russian).
5. Methods of biochemical research of plants (1987): Ermakov A.I. et al. (ed.). Leningrad, Agropromizdat. (in Russian).
6. Ogoltsova T.P., Sedova Z.A., Logacheva O.V. (1978): Prospects of black currant breeding for the improvement of berry chemical composition. In: Breeding, variety investigation, agrotechnics of fruit and berry crops. Tula, 8(1): 25-40. (in Russian).
7. Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (1995): Sedov E.N. (ed.). Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
8. Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (1973): Lobanov G.A. (ed.). Michurinsk. (in Russian).
9. Sedov E.N., Makarkina M.A., Levgerova N.S. (2007): Biochemical and technological characteristic of apple gene pool fruit. Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
10. Sedov E.N., Sedova Z.A. (1982): Apple breeding for the improvement of chemical composition of fruit. Orel, Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo. (in Russian).
11. Sedov E.N., Sedova Z.A. (1989): Breeding for the improvement of chemical composition of fruit. In: Apple breeding. Moscow, Agropromizdat: 156-196. (in Russian).
12. Sedov E.N., Sedova Z.A., Kurashev O.V., Sokolova S.E. (1991): A role of multiple crossings in apple breeding for higher content of ascorbic acid in fruit. Vestnik selskokhozyaystvennoy nauki [Herald of Agricultural Science], 9: 140-145. (in Russian).
13. Sedova Z.A. (1981): Biochemical characteristic of fruit. In: Apple variety catalogue. Orel, Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo: 74-84. (in Russian).
14. Sedova Z.A., Leonchenko V.G., Astakhov A.I. (1999): The assessment of varieties according to the chemical composition of fruit. In: Sedov E.N. (ed.). Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding. Orel, VNIISPK: 160-167. (in Russian).
15. Sedova Z.A., Maksimova L.M. (1970): Vitamins in fruit and berries of Orel region. In: Breeding, variety investigation, agrotechnics of fruit and berry crops. Orel, VNIISPK, 4: 187-189. (in Russian).
16. Sedova Z.A., Osipova Z.F., Makarkina M.A., Khakulova G.G. (1992): The assessment of the quality of red currant berries and products of their processing. Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo [Horticulture and viticulture], 5-6: 10-12. (in Russian).
17. Pavel A.R. (2007): The biochemical characteristic and marketable qualities of fruit of new scab immune apple varieties of VNIISPK breeding. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Orel, Orel State Agrarian University. (in Russian).
18. Yanchuk T.V (2007): The selection and assessment of the initial material for black currant breeding for the improvement of biochemical composition of berries. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Orel, Orel State Agrarian University. (in Russian).
ZhidyokhinaT. V. (2015): Inheritance of resistance to diseases and pests in the hybrid offspring of black currant varieties Gratsiya. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 35-44. Available at:
The article describes the evaluation of a hybrid fund of black currants, prepared with the participation grade Gratsiya, on the inheritance of resistance to diseases and pests. Studies were performed based on the programs and techniques for selection of fruit, berry and nut crops (Michurinsk, 1980; Orel, 1995). High yield seedlings resistant to a range of biotic stress factors noted in the progeny of crosses in versions: Gratsiya, inbreeding; Gratsiya, free pollination; Gratsiya×Sanyuta; Gratsiya×Chernavka; Grand Europe×Gratsiya; Sanyuta×Gratsiya and Yadryonaya×Gratsiya. For further study allocated 29 promising seedlings of black currant.
1. Ogoltsova T.P. (1992): Black currant breeding – the past, present and future. Tula, Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo. (in Russian).
2. Knyazev S.D., Nikolaev A.V. (2007): Black currant breeding at the VNIISPK. In: The up-to-date condition of currant and gooseberry cultures. Michurinsk, VNIIS: 97-105. (in Russian).
3. Knyazev S.D., Ogoltsova T.P. (2004): Black currant breeding at present. Orel, OrelSAU. (in Russian).
4. Isachkin A.V., Vorobev B.N., Aladdina O.N. (2001): Black currant. Variety catalogue. Berry crops. Moscow, Eksmo-press, Lik press: 68-131. (in Russian).
5. Sergeeva K.D., Zvyagina T.S. (1983): The investigation of black currant hybrid progeny for resistance to powdery mildew. In: Breeding and variety investigation of fruit and berry crops. Michurinsk, VNIIS: 47-51. (in Russian).
6. Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (1980): Lobanov G.A. (ed.). Michurinsk, VNIIS. (in Russian).
7. Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (1995): Sedov E.N. (ed.). Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
8. Sergeeva K.D., Zvyagina T.S. (1976): The inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew in black currant progeny In: The improvement of assortment and agrotechnical practices in fruit-growing. Michurinsk, VNIIS: 26-29. (in Russian).
9. Isaeva E.V., Shestopal Z.A. (1991): Atlas of fruit and berry crop diseases, 3-d edition. Kiev, Urozhai. (in Russian).
10. Diyakov Yu.T., Levitin M.M., Lesovoi M.P. (1987): Dynamics of genotypes in populations of phytopathogenic fungus. In: Proc. V Congr. of Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders. Moscow, Nauka. 6: 125. (in Russian).
11. Kanshina M.V. (2013): Black currant: breeding, genetics, varieties. Chelyabinsk, NPO «Sad i ogorod»: Chelyabinskii dom pechati. (in Russian).
12. Tikhonov G.Yu. (1999): The increase of black currant yield on the basis of improving its protection against mites in the north-east part of the Central Chernozemie. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Michurinsk. (in Russian).
13. Pluta St. (2013): Porzeczki czarne I kolorowe. Warszawa. (in Polish).
14. Kuminov E.P. (1983): Black currant in the Eastern Siberia. Krasnoyarsk. (in Russian).
15. Rodyukova O.S., Merzlyakov R.A. (2013): Analysis of black currant plantations conditions on resistance to red spider. Vestnik Michurinskogo GAU, 2: 13-16. (in Russian).
16. Savzdarg E.E. (1955): Mites on currants and gooseberries. Biology and protection measures. Moscow, Selkhozizdat. (in Russian).
17. Zhidekhina T.V., Rodyukova O.S., Lamonov V.V. (2011): Black currant breeding for resistance to powdery mildew and bud mite. Michurinsk; Voronrzh, Kvarta. (in Russian).
Gorbunov A. B. (2015): Forms of red currants of the Salair Range and the Altai Mountains promising for breeding. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 45-53. Available at:
Based on a multi-year study of polymorphism of wild red currants in CSBG SB RAS (Novosibirsk) it was established that the Salair Range and the Altai Mountains were the regions promising for selection in the wild of breeding material of red currants with outstanding morphobiological and biochemical characters. Twenty three forms of red currants promising for breeding, including 15 forms of Ribes atropurpureum, 3 forms of R. atropurpureum×R. altissimum, in twos R. hispidulum and R. atropurpureum×R. hispidulum, and 1 form of R. atropurpureum×R. vulgare were selected, and their morphological and biochemical characteristics were given. The forms of R. atropurpureum of particular interest are N 10 – tall, long-racemose, with dense racemes and a great quantity of berries similar in size, high content of ascorbic acid, and high-yielding, N 10-7 and N 10-17 – high-yielding, with high content of sugars and pectins in berries, and hybrid form III-6-19 – high-yielding, with high content of sugars in berries.
1. Alekseeva N.M. (1988): Breeding assessment of red currant species and varieties. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Research Institute of Horticulture Nonchernozem zonal band, Moscow. (in Russian). 2. Bayanova L.V. (1996): The tasks of red currant breeding and ways of their solving. In: The condition of fruit and berry assortment and breeding tasks. Orel, VNIISPK: 21-23. (in Russian). 3. Voshchilko M.E. (1971): Currant of Western Salair and the experience of its introduction.[Biol. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Moscow, Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences. (in Russian). 4. Gorbunov A.B., Kurilenko T.K. (2011): Red currants of the central part of Gorny Altai which are promising for introduction and breeding. In: Botanic researches in Asia Russia, vol.3. Barnaul, AzBuka: 165-166. (in Russian).
5. Gorbunov A.B., Padutov V.E., Baranov O.Yu. (2011): Interspecific hybrids of red currants (Ribes atropurpureum×Ribes hispidulum) of Salairsky mountain-ridge. Ekologicheskaya genetika [Ecological genetics],IX (3): 68-74. (in Russian).
7. Kurilenko T.K. Currants of Ribesia (Berl.) Jancz. sub-species of the Central part of Gorny Altai (variability, natural hybridization, selection). [Biol. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Novosibirsk, Central Siberian Botanical Garden. (in Russian).
8. Mamaev S.A. (1973): Forms of intraspecific variability of arboreous plants (on the example of Pinaceae family in the Urals). Moscow, Nauka. (in Russian).
9. Smirnov A.S. (2005): The diversity of Ribes atropurpureum C.A. Mey forms in the introduction to the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. In: Biodiversity of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. Ekaterinburg, UrO RAN: 97-102. (in Russian).
10. Sorokopudov V.N., Solovieva A.E., Smirnov A.S. (2005): Red currant in the forest-steppe of Priobie. Novosibirsk, AGRO-Sibrea. (in Russian).
Golyaeva O. D. (2015): The results of 30-year breeding work on red currant at the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 54-68. Available at:
Breeding work on red currant has been started at the institute since 1984 by L.V. Bayanova. The breeding is conducted on the basis of a long-term program according to the main priority directions. A wide collection of red currants has been collected at the institute including over 80 varieties of home and foreign breeding. 1 700 combinations of targeted crossings were carried out, 98 600 seeds were obtained and 9 900 hybrid seedlings were grown from 1984 to 2014. At present, over 3 000 seedlings and above 400 selected forms are on study. As a result of the long-term work 19 competitive red currant varieties have been developed. 8 varieties were included in the State Register of breeding achievements RF admitted for use (2000…2013): Asia, Baiana, Valentinovka, Vika, Gazel, Dana, Niva and Osipovskaya.
1.Bayanova L.V., Makarkina M.A., Golyaeva O.D. (1999): Perspective directions of red currant breeding. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Horticulture and viticulture in the 21 century. Krasnodar, 3: 188-190.
2.Golyaeva O.D., Makarkina M.A. (2003): The results of using species forms in red currant breeding. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Remote hybridization. The up-to-date state and prospects of the development. Moscow, Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy: 67-69.
3.Golyaeva O.D., Petrov A.V. (2006): Self-fertility and productivity of new red currant varieties. In: Proc. Conf. State and prospects of the development berry growing in Russia. Orel, VNIISPK: 67-71.
4.Golyaeva O.D., Petrov A.V. (2007): Drought resistance of red currant varieties. In: Breeding and variety investigation of horticultural crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 64-73
5.Golyaeva O.D. (2009): Red currant breeding for early ripeness. Vestnik Rossiyskoy akademii selskokhozyaystvennykh nauk [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences], 1: 58-60.
6.Golyaeva O.D. (2010): Red currant assortment condition and prospects of its improvements. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK [Achievements of Science and Technology of AIC], 4: 13-15.
7.Makarkina M.A., Golyaeva O.D. (2005): Chemical composition in berries of red currant varieties of VNIISPK breeding and means of its improvement. Doklady Rossiyskoy akademii selskokhozyaystvennykh nauk [Reports of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences], 3: 14-17.
8.Makarkina M.A., Golyaeva O.D. (2013): Breeding the red currant Ribes rubrum L. on improvedchemical composition of berries. Selskokhozyaystvennaya biologiya [Agricultural biology], 3: 18-27.
9.Ozhereleva Z.E., Golyaeva O.D. (2010): Spring frost resistance of red currant varieties of VNIISPK breeding. In: Proc. Int. Conf. The development of I.V. Michurin scientific heritage on genetics and breeding of fruit crops. Michurinsk: 253-256. (in Russian).
10.Panfilova O.V., Golyaeva O.D. (2012 b): Drought resistance influence on the indices of red currant water regime. Plodovodstvo i yagodovodstvo Rossii [Fruit-growing and Berry-growing of Russia], 31(2): 119-126. (in Russian).
11.Panfilova O.V., Golyaeva O.D. (2012 a): Features of pigment apparatus and anatomical structure of red currant (Ribes rubrum L.) leaves stipulated by drought resistance. Sortovivchennja ta ohorona prav na sorti roslin, 2(16): 23-25. (in Russian).
12.Panfilova O.V., Golyaeva O.D. (2013 c): Influence of red currant drought resistance on the physiological and biochemical indices of leaves. Sovremennoe sadovodsvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 1-8. Available at http//, php?id=13 (accessed April 4, 2015). (in Russian).
13.Panfilova O.V. (2014): The assessment of red currant adaptivity to abiotic factors in the North-West of the Central Chernozem Region. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Orel, Orel State Agrarian University. (in Russian).
14.Panfilova O.V. Bogomolova N.I., Golyaeva O.D., Ozhereleva Z.E. (2013): Valutazione della resistenza e bacche di calore colture nella regione centrale delle terre nere della Russia. Italian science Review, 9: 86-89. Available at (accessed April 4, 2015).
GorelikovaO. A. (2015): Assessment of luxury seedlings neutral- day strawberry on the complex agronomic characters. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 69-73. Available at:
On the basis of Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station (Krymsk, Krasnodar Region) were studied hybrid seedlings from 9 crossing combinations strawberry neutral day. Of the large number of research objects marked elite hybrid seedlings. The estimation of elite forms of strawberry on a range of economically valuable traits. The assessment being based on the criteria and parameters proposed by us for strawberry. Recommended for production testing seedlings ¹ 2-5-2; 2-6-1; 3-5-1 in the cross combinations Ejvi 2×Elizaveta 2, Elizaveta 2×Selva, Elizaveta×Irma, respectively, as large-fruited and high-yield.
1.Dospekhov B.A. (1972): Planning of a field experiment and statistical processing of its data. Moscow, Kolos. (in Russian).
2.Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (1995): Sedov E.N. (ed.). Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
3.Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding. (1999): Sedov E.N. (ed.). Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
4.Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (1973): Lobanov G.A. (ed.). Michurinsk. (in Russian).
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New selected apple forms obtained at the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding according to priority directions of apple breeding under yhe lesdership of E. N. Sedov have been studied on the resistance to unfavorable winter conditions. The results of the study have been analyzed. Winter hardiness study of new selected apple seedlings having scab immunity (Vf) and triploid chromosome numbers (3x) provided indicating the most winter hardy and promising hybrid scab immune triploid forms: 31-2-15, 31-2-115, 31-2-130 (Afrodita×13-6-106) and 31-36-149 [Veniaminovskoye×25-35-144 (Wealthy tetraploid×Papirovka tetraploid] as well as scab immune diploids 31-35-58 (Yubily Moskvy×Krasa Sverdlovska) and 31-15-126 [23-16-96 (Seyanetz 814 – open pollination)×Gulliver)].
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In this article the data is presented about the study of new intermediate rootstocks created at the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. An orchard was planted for comparative studies of obtainted rootstocks as intermediate ones in 1991. The aim was to select the best intermediate rootstocks for production. The aim of these investigations is the overall agrobiological study of new forms of small-sized intermediate stocks developed at the VNIISPK (All Russia Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding) and selection of the best ones for the State Testing, winter hardiness of new forms of intercalary apple stocks have been studied. Dwarf and semi dwarf stock forms were selected as they gave the largest yield. Based on research findings, the best variety-stock combinations were selected, they are worthy of propagation and broader verification.
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