ISSN: 2312-6701 (online) Founder: Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK). Chief Editor: Knyazev S.D., doc. agri. sci., prof. Ñontacts:, phone: +7 (4862) 450071 Registered by The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) Ýë ¹ ÔÑ 77-77630 îò 31.12.2019 ã. Ïðîèçâåäåíèå «Ñîâðåìåííîå ñàäîâîäñòâî - Contemporary Horticulture» ó÷ðåäèòåëü ÔÃÁÍÓ ÂÍÈÈÑÏÊ - VNIISPK, ìàòåðèàëû îïóáëèêîâàíû íà óñëîâèÿõ ëèöåíçèè Creative Commons «Attribution» 4.0 Internationa (CC-BY 4.0). MENU
Gasymov, F.M., & Kuteneva, I.E. (2022). Resistance of black currant cultivars to diseases in the conditions of the Southern Urals. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2, 1–10. In the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region (Southern Urals) in 2018—2021, the disease resistance of black currant cultivars bred by the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing – a branch of The Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center UB RAS and other research institutes was studied. The most common pathogens on black currants are: American powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae Berk. etc.), gray rot (Botrytis cinerea Pers.), alternariasis (Alternaria grossularia Jacz), ascochytosis (Ascochyta ribis Bond.), lateral rust (Puccinia ribesii-caricis Kleb.), septoria (Septoria ribis Desm.), anthracnose (Gloeosporium ribis Mont, etc.), brown leaf spot (Stemphylium inffatus Sacc.), phyllostictosis (Phyllosticta ribiseda Bub. etc.) and tuberculosis (Tubercularia vulgaris Tode). The most common pests of black currants are: bud mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw.), leaf rust mite (Anthocoptes ribis), currant glassworm (Synanthedon tipuliformis Cl.), currant gall aphid (Cryptomyzus ribis L.), gooseberry shoot aphid (Aphis grossulariae Kalt.), leaf beetle (Archips xylosteana L), blackcurrant sawfly (Eriocampa dorpatica Konov.), gooseberry moth (Abraxas grossulariata L.) and berry bug (Dolicoris baccarum L.). According to the data of the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing, the most dangerous and epiphytotic fungal diseases were powdery mildew, anthracnose and septoria in the Southern Urals during 2018—2021. In the conditions of the Southern Urals, black currant cultivars are affected by powdery mildew from 0.1 to 0.5 points; anthracnose -from 0.2 to 1.1 points; septoria – from 0.9 to 2.5 points.
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Arifova, Z.I., Khalilov, E.S., Smykov, A.V., Uskov, M.K., & Chelebiev, E.F. (2022). Comparative assessment of the chemical composition of raspberries and apples in the Crimea. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2, 11–21. The results of studying the indicators of the chemical composition of fruits of 10 cultivars and hybrids of raspberries of medium dares of maturity and 10 apple cultivars and forms of the collection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the Crimea are presented. The research was carried out in 2016—2020 in accordance with the main clauses of the Program and methods of variety study of fruit, berry and nut crops, methods of cluster, factor and correlation analysis. All the studied cultivars and forms of raspberries were distinguished by a sufficient accumulation of soluble solids (14.5—16.3%) while in the control variety (Balsam) – 10.5%. High titrated acidity (1.7%) was noted in the cultivars Glen Ampl, Persea and Phenomen, when in the control variety it was 2.2%; ascorbic acid content was in the range from 56.1 to 95.2 mg/100 g in Harmonya, Persea, Fantasy, 6/15, 7/15 and 9/15, in the control – 38.2 mg/100 g; the sum of sugars (8.5—9.8%) was in Harmonya, Persea, 7/15 and 9/15, control – 9.3%. The values of the sugar–acid index at the level of 6.0—6.4 were in Harmonya and in the forms 7/15 and 9/15, in the control – 4.2. There was a high accumulation of soluble solids (14.4—17.5%) in all apple samples, in the control Tavria – 13.5%; titrated acidity (0.6—1.1%) in forms 2-6-13-80, 69-2-08 and KV-8, in the control – 0.4%; ascorbic acid (11.1—11.2 mg/100 g) in samples 4-17-yu and 10-72-78, which is higher than in the control (10.7 mg/100 g). The amount of sugars varied in the range of 9.9—14.0%. Promising forms 2-6-13-80 and 1-8-yu had high rates (13.1—14.0%). The most significant correlation (r = 0.63—0.91) of the sugar-acid index with such biochemical indicators of raspberry cultivars as the content of ascorbic acid, total sugar and taste qualities was revealed. A significant correlation was determined between the dry matter content and the sum of sugars (r = 0.73), as well as the sugar–acid index and the tasting evaluation of apple fruits (0.63). Promising cultivars and hybrid forms were identified as sources of high content of biologically active substances in fruits, which allowed successful breeding for quality and increased vitamin content in raspberries – Harmonya, Persea, Fantasy, 7/15 and 9/15; in apples – 1-8-yu, 4-17-yu, 10-72-78, 69-2-08 and KV-8
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Kiseleva, G.K., Ilina, I.A., Sokolova, V.V., Zaporozhets, N.M., Petrov, V.S., Karavaeva, A.V., & Skhalyakho, T.V. (2022). Formation of adaptive reactions of grapes to unstable climatic conditions of the winter period. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2, 31–41. Unstable weather conditions, including those associated with sharp temperature fluctuations in the winter period, entail a decrease in the stability of agricultural plants, in particular grapes. The main share of industrial viticulture is in the south of Russia, where there is an increase in the average annual temperature, which manifests itself in an increase in days with positive temperatures in the autumn-winter period and sharp drops to critical minimum, which leads to significant damage to grape plants, up to their death. The article presents the results of studies aimed at revealing the patterns of formation of adaptive responses of grape cultivars of various ecological and geographical origin to unstable climatic conditions of the winter period in the conditions of the Anapa-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Territory in order to develop methodological approaches for the formation of an adaptive grape assortment for specific soil and climatic zones. As a result of the research, the features of the physiological and biochemical changes were studied that occur in the shoots of grape cultivars of various ecological and geographical origin in the autumn-winter period, associated with the formation of response protective reactions to changing climatic conditions in natural conditions on experimental plots and in laboratory experiments with artificial freezing. Varietal differences in the formation of adaptive reactions of grapes to abiotic conditions of the growing environment were revealed. Under conditions of artificial low-temperature stress, grape cultivars respond by activation of the functioning of the antioxidant system, the protective effect of which is determined by the accumulation of various low-molecular antioxidants, in particular ascorbic acid. It has been established that the induction of a protective response by the content of proline, sucrose, ascorbic acid in the shoots is more pronounced in the cultivars Crystal, Vostorg in comparison with other studied cultivars.
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Useynov, D.R., & Chkalov, T.S. (2022). The influence of clonal rootstocks on the yield and quality of sweet cherry fruits of the Krupnoplodnaya cultivar. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2, 42–49. Historically, Crimea is a gardening zone. Taking into account the specifics of the economy of the peninsula and its sanatorium-resort tendency, it is necessary to increase the production of fruit products. The solution of this task is possible not only by expanding the areas under individual crops, including cherries, but also by introducing cultivars and rootstocks that meet modern requirements into gardening in Crimea. The tasks of intensifying gardening are acute for gardeners all over the world. Therefore, the need for a comprehensive study in the conditions of the peculiarities of the soil and climatic conditions of the region is relevant. The article presents the results of studying the yield and quality of cherry Krupnoplodnaya on the seed rootstock Antipka and clone rootstocks – VSL-2 and Colt. The weight of the fruit varied depending on the cultivar-rootstock combination in the range of 8,9—11,2 g. As a result of the studies, it was determined that the plants of this cultivar on the rootstock VSL-2 produced the largest fruit mass – 11,2 g, and the maximum average yield reached up to 29,35 t/ha. Considerably low yield in combination Krupnoplodnaya/Colt (2.52 t/ha) may be due to physiological incompatibility. The analysis of the chemical composition of Krupnoplodnaya fruits obtained on plants using Antipka seed rootstocks, revealed the largest amount of: ascorbic acid, flavonols, leucoanthocyanins and phenolic compounds; on VSL 2 rootstock – dry matters and on Colt – titratable acids and sugars. Using the cluster analysis method (based on the Euclidean distance), groups of cultivar-rootstock combinations were formed according to the totality of useful traits. Consequently, the clone rootstock VSL-2 is recommended for use in perennial cherry plantations using intensive technologies in the conditions of the foothill Crimea. References
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