Dear colleagues!
You are invited to take part in the work of the electronic scientific journal of the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) – “Sovremennoe sadovodstvo - Contemporary horticulture”. The most actual problems of fruit-growing are discussed in this journal.
The journal is a modern means of mass information accessible for the general public. It is daily looked through by a hundred visitors of our site including foreign readers from the Ukraine, USA, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Baltic countries, Italy, Spain, China, Turkey and other countries. Thus, authors have an opportunity to promote their scientific ideas and developments, be read and quoted all round the world and exchange information with a broad circle of readers. The journal papers are of interest not only for the scientists but also agronomists, farmers, students and amateur fruit-growers. Papers published in the journal are of equal value to papers of leading scientific editions and they are taken into account when defending a thesis.
The Institute publishes all papers free of charge. However, their quality and scientific standard should meet the requirements of the journal, since only such an approach allows maintaining prestige and significance of the journal. Four issues a year will be edited (once a quarter), but if necessary they may be edited more often. Language – Russian and English.
Main topics:
• Genetics and fruit breeding
• Agrotechnical practice
• Nurseries
• Storage and processing
• Fruit biochemistry
• Biotechnology
• Mechanization
• Ecology
• Economics of fruit-growing
You are welcome to send your papers! We will be grateful for interesting materials concerning all actual problems of fruit-growing.
S. D. Knyazev,
Editor-in-chief, doctor of agr. sci.,
Director of the Institute