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Nevostrueva, E.Yu., & Chebotok, E.M. (2023). Effectiveness of breeding of main berry crops in the Middle Urals. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 1-10.
The climatic conditions of the Middle Urals determine the zoned assortment of almost all horticultural crops. Even blackcurrant, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and plasticity to growing conditions, is subject to environmental stressors that determine the Ural climate. Therefore, the creation of new adaptive cultivars of the main berry crops is one of the priority tasks of breeding work. Over the past five years, at the Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station, a fund of sources of breeding traits has been created for currants, raspberries and strawberries, the use of which makes it possible to obtain hybrid offspring at a qualitatively higher level. This fund includes the original forms both for the complex and for individual economically valuable traits. A complex of basic traits is possessed by 2 forms of black currant (Dobryy Dzhinn, Krasa Lvova), 1 raspberry cultivar Antares and 5 forms of strawberries (Duet, Geyser, Solovushka, Forsazh, 3-13-05). For the period 2018-2022 hybridization was carried out in the amount of 179 combinations of crosses, 3439 seedlings were obtained. 2877 seedlings from previous hybridizations were studied during the same period. According to the results of the study of hybrid offspring, 115 selected seedlings were chosen, 15 of them were transferred to the elite category. 8 new cultivars have been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use in the Volga-Vyatka region, they are: 4 black currants (Vympel, Udalets, Shaman, Pilot), 2 raspberries (Alaya Rossyp, Fregat) and 2 strawberries (Akvarel, Forsazh).
1.Andreeva, G.V. (2021). Modern assortment of strawberries and raspberries for the Urals.In 90 years in the service of the agro-industrial complex of the Urals: proc. sci. conf.(pp. 230-235). Chelyabinsk: ChelGU.EDN: GQNDSP (In Russian).
2.Bayanova, L.V., & Ilin, V.S. (1995). Red currants breeding. In E.N. Sedov (Ed.), Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (pp. 341-350). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: SOCFUE (In Russian).
3.Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2022).State Register for Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage (National List). Plant varieties (official publication) (Vol. 1. pp 412-425). Moscow: Rosinformagrotekh. (In Russian).
4.Dunin, M.S., & Pomazkov, Yu.I. (1964). About the viral nature of reversion on blackcurrant plantations.Izvestiya of Timiryazev agricultural academy, 4, 138-152. (In Russian).
5.Evdokimenko, S.N., Sazonov, F.F., Andronova, N.V., Kozak, N.V., Imamkulova, Z.A., & Podgaetsky, M.A. (2022). Berry crops: biological features, variety and cultivation technology. Mosñow: FNTS sadovodstva. (In Russian).
6.Zhidekhina, T.V. (Ed.). (2016). Sorting of berry and non-traditional garden crops for household cultivation (recommendations). Voronezh: Kvartà, (pp.124-131). (In Russian).
7.Zubov, A.A., & Popova, I.V. (1995). Strawberry breeding. In E.N. Sedov (Ed.), Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (pp. 387-416). Orel: VNIISPK.EDN: HFAUWB (In Russian).
8.Ilyin, V.S. (2007).Currant.Chelyabinsk. (In Russian).
9.Kazakov, I.V., Aitzhanova, S.D., Evdokimenko, S.N., Kulagina, V.L., & Sazonov, F.F. (2009). Berry crops in the Central region of Russia. Bryansk.EDN: XSXUGT(In Russian).
10.Kazakov, I.V., Gruner, L.A., & Kichina, V.V. (1999). Raspberries, blackberries and their hybrids. In E.N. Sedov & T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 374–395). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: YHAPQH (In Russian).
11.Kichina, V.V., Kazakov, V.V., & Gruner, L.A. (1995). Raspberries and blackberries breeding. In E.N. Sedov (Ed.), Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (pp. 368-386). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: EFSXZI (In Russian).
12.Knyazev, S.D. & Bayanova, L.V. (1999). Currants, gooseberries and their hybrids. In E.N. Sedov & T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 351-373). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: YHAPPX (In Russian).
13.Nikulina, T.V., & Chebotok, E.M. (2023). Collectible study of black currant varieties of Altai breeding in conditions of drought 2020-2022 in the Middle Urals.InTopical issues of horticulture and potato growing: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 176-181).Chelyabinsk:ChelGU.EDN: KNNOOQ(In Russian).
14.Ogoltsova, T.P., & Kuminov, E.P. (1995). Black currants breeding. In E.N. Sedov (Ed.), Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (pp. 314-340). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: RCFLZD (In Russian).
15.Makarenko, A.S. (Ed.). (2022). Pomology of the Urals.Mosñow:Nauka. (In Russian).
16.Slepneva, T.N., Kotov, L.A., Tarasova, G.N., Telezhinskii, D.D., Isakova, M.G., Chebotok, E.M., Evtushenko, N.S., Shmygov, A.V., Nevostrueva, E.Yu., & Andreeva, G.V. (2022). Zoned and promising varieties for horticulture in the Urals (2022). Åkaterinburg.EDN: HLJJOS(In Russian).
17.Slepneva, T.N., & Chebotok, E.M. (2017). Maintenance and replenishment of genetic resources of fruit, berry and ornamental crops through the establishment of unique scientific installations of the collection of living plants of open ground. Works of the State Nikita Botanical Gardens, 144-1, 54-58. EDN: ZEKQNB (In Russian).
18.Chebotok, E.M. (2023). Varieties and antioxidant indices of red currant of Chelyabinsk breeding in the conditions of the Middle Urals. Agricultural Science Euro-North-East. 1, 86-94. EDN: YIKECR (In Russian, English abstract).
19.Shamanskaya, L.D. (2018). Pests and diseases of Siberian gardens. Barnaul: Newformat. (InRussian).
20.Shokaeva, D.B. & Zubov, A.A. (1999). Strawberry, wild strawberry and their hybrids. In E.N. Sedov & T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 417-443). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: YHAPRB (In Russian).
Gasymov, F.M. (2023). Pear assortment improving in the Southern Urals. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 11-18. The article discusses the results of pear breeding and variety studies in the conditions of the Southern Urals. The breeding work was carried out in the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing, a branch of the URFANITS of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in order to improve the pear assortment for the Ural region. In the process of breeding work, the winter hardiness of pear cultivars was studied in the harsh climatic conditions of the Chelyabinsk region. As a result, it was noted that in the field, with a decrease in temperature to -40 degrees, the freezing of trees of local pear cultivars did not exceed 1 point. The local cultivars were assessed for the yield. Such cultivars as Vekovaya, Myf, Favoritka and Zolotoy Shar with an average yield of 24....28 kg/tree were distinguished. A pomological description and an assessment of the economic usefulness of a new pear cultivar Favoritka are presented. Favoritka combines large size of fruits (fruit weight can reach up to 340 grams), high winter hardiness, high yield, resistance to abiotic and biotic stressors (not affected by scab, resistant to pear gall mite), its fruits are of excellent taste, suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for processing (making jams, compotes, etc.). The cultivar is in demand among the population and is of interest for further breeding as a source of large size of fruits.
1.Falkenberg, E.A. (2006). Ussuri pear – donor of resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2, 43-47. EDN: PNEFDT(In Russian, English abstract).
3.Falkenberg, E.A. (2000). Recommendations for improving the pear breeding process. In Problems and prospects of interspecific hybridization of fruit, berry crops and potatoes (methodological recommendations on breeding and seed production) (pp. 47-62). Chelyabinsk. EDN: UMPQSX(In Russian).
4.Slepneva, T.N. (2018). The current state of scientific support of horticulture in the Urals in the aspect of import substitution. In Innovations, technologies, import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of the Ufa: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp. 63-69).Tyumen. EDN: YACBUD(In Russian).
5.Makarenko, S.A. (2019). The priority apple breeding directions for the areas with severe climatic conditions. Bulletin of the Altai State Agrarian University, 8, 28-35. EDN: EYCBQN(In Russian).
6.Yakovlev, S.P. (1995). Pear breeding. In E.N. Sedov (Ed.), Program and methods of selection fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 201-224). Orel: VNIISPK. (In Russian).
7.Sedov, E.N., Krasova, N.G., Zhdanov, V.V., Dolmatov, E.A., & Mozhar, N.V. (1999). Pome fruits (apple, pear, quince). In E.N. Sedov, T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 253-300). Orel: VNIISPK.EDN: YHAPPN (In Russian).
8.Dospekhov, B.A. (1985). Methodology of field experience. Moscow: Agropromizdat. (In Russian).
9.Falkenberg, E.A., & Kozhemyakin, V.S. (2000). The horticultor ABCs (pp. 317-322). Chelyabinsk. (In Russian).
11.Gasymov, F.M. (2013). Results of fruit crop breeding at the South Ural Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable growing and potato growing. In Protection and rational use of forest resources: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp 233-238). Blagoveshchensk. (In Russian).
12.Rayevsky, A.A., & Vasiliev, A.A. (2022). Results of scientific and production activities of YUUNIISK for 2021. In Topical issues of horticulture and potato growing: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp. 3-20). Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State University. EDN: UXAPSM (In Russian, English abstract).
13.Tarasova, G.N., Telezhinsky, D.D., & Kotov, L.A. (2018). Creation of a pear assortment for the Middle Urals. In Private genetics and breeding – a century-old experience in gardening: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp. 297-300). Voronezh: Kvarta.EDN:ZYOJWH (InRussian).
Sofronov, A.P., Saltykova, T.I., & Vahrusheva, N.S. (2023). The perspective black currant cultivars of FSBSI FARC of North-East. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 19-26. The research works were carried out in the central agricultural climatic zone of Kirov region, according to the methodology of the State Variety Testing Commission. The purpose of the research was to create new competitive black currant cultivars. Morphological, biological and economical characteristics of black currant cultivars are given. The origin of the Sapfir cultivar is: 1-18-85 (Stahanovka Altaya × (Bredtorp × Yankis Yarvy) × 1295-16-82 (762-5-82 × Minay Shmiryov). The cultivar has a middle late term of maturation. The bush is of medium growth and of medium spreading. The berries in a bunch are settled thick. An average weight of one berry is 1.5 g. The berries are of a flat-circular shape, shining, black with a peel of medium thickness and nice sour-sweet taste. The concentration of vitamin C is 96.8 mg/100 g and the concentration of sugar is 8.22%. The average productivity is 6.9 t/ha. The cultivar is prominent for a high degree of sustainability to powdery mildew. The main purpose of the berries is universal. The cultivar requires fertile soil. The origin of the Shagane cultivar is from (Benefis × Yankis Yarvy) × 1328-17-38 (the ancestor of wax currant × Lentiay). The cultivar is of a medium term of maturation. The bush is of medium growth and slightly spreading. An average weight of one berry is 1.2 g. The berries are of flat circular shape with a peel of medium thickness and nice sour-sweet taste. The concentration of vitamin C is 119.39 mg/100 g and the concentration of sugar is 9.48%. The average productivity is 7.8 t/ha. The cultivar is prominent for a high degree of sustainability to bud mite and powdery mildew. The main purpose of berries is universal. The origin of the Ariel cultivar is from Mortti × Chudnoye Mgnovenie. The cultivar has a middle term of maturation. The bush is of medium growth and slightly spreading. The berries are black of circular shape with a peeling of medium thickness. An average weight of a berry is 1.7 g. The berry has nice sour-sweet taste. The concentration of vitamin C is 140.36 mg/100 g and of sugar is 6.81%. The average productivity is 7.7 t/ha. The cultivar is prominent for sustainability to bud mite and powdery mildew. The cultivar has universal purpose. The cultivar requires fertile soil. Shagane was included in the State Register of Selection Achievements Admitted for Use in 2021 and Ariel was included in the State Register in 2023.
1.Vakhrusheva, N.S., Saltykova, T.I., & Sofronov, A.P. (2021). Study of elite black currant varieties selected at the Federal Agrarian Scientific Centre of the North-East. Horticulture and viticulture,3, 5-10. EDN: ZCNMSJ (In Russian, English abstract).
2.Dospekhov, B.A. (1985). Metodology of field trial. Agropromizdat. (In Russian).
3.Knyazev, S.D., Levgerova, N.S., Makarkina, M.A., Pikunova, A.V., Salina, E.S., Chekalin, E.I., Yanchuk, T.V., & Shavyrkina, M.A. (2016). Black currant breeding: methods, achievements, directions. Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: VWPJYB (In Russian).
4.Knyazev, S.D., Keldibekova, M.A., & Tovarnitskaya, M.V. (2017). Comparative evaluation of new varieties of black currant breeding all Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. Bulletin of agrarian science, 5, 36-40. EDN: ZUFLRL (In Russian, English abstract).
5.Knyazev, S.D. & Bayanova, L.V. (1999). Currants, gooseberries and their hybrids. In E.N. Sedov & T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 351-373). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: YHAPPX(In Russian).
6.Sazonov, F.F. (2017). The main objectives and results of breeding of black currants in the conditions of the south-western part of Non-chernozem zone of Russia. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 48(1), 215-219. EDN: YMAVYX (In Russian, English abstract).
7.Saltykova, T.I., Vakhrusheva, N.S., & Sofronov, A.P. (2019). The assessment of initial black currant material of FSBSI FARC of the north-east selection according to the complex of traits. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 16-21. EDN: JGXRZZ (In Russian, English abstract).
8.Saltykova, T.I., Vakhrusheva, N.S., & Sofronov, A.P. (2020). The history of black currant breeding in the Kirov region. In Methods and technologies in plant breeding and crop production: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp. 182-186). EDN: NRZZRS (In Russian).
9.Tikhonova, O.A. (2016). Elements of the black currant productivity component in the environments of the russian north-west. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding, 177(3), 61-73. EDN: WWJVHX (In Russian, English abstract).
10.Chebotok, E.M. (2020). Replenishment of the assortment of black currants for the Volga-Vyatka region. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 10-15. EDN: FNXXIV (In Russian, English abstract).
Petrusha, E.N., & Rusakova, E.A. (2023). Genetic diversity of kamchatka honeysuckle as a source of breeding for productivity and quality of berries. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 27-34. The inclusion of wild forms of Kamchatka honeysuckle in the breeding process contributes to create varieties with improved economically valuable properties. This article presents the results of many years of research of the selection material of wild forms of Kamchatka honeysuckle in terms of the complex of economically valuable traits. 148 seedlings obtained from seeds of wild-growing honeysuckle from different areas of origin in Kamchatka Territory were studied. The results of the studies for 2017—2022 are given. The seedlings were evaluated for winter hardiness, ripening period, productivity indicators, weight of berries, taste and attractiveness of fruit appearance, shedding and the content of ascorbic acid and soluble solids in fruit. The purpose of this research was to study and evaluate the source material for the genetic diversity of Kamchatka honeysuckle and to identify sources of breeding-relevant traits. According to the results of the study in the nursery, 24 honeysuckle forms with high winter hardiness and different ripening periods were selected for elite: 13 forms with increased productivity from 0.35 to 0.45 kg per bush; 15 forms with a large berry weight of 1 to 1.3 g; 10 forms with excellent dessert taste of berries; 15 forms by attractiveness, including a comprehensive assessment of the size, one-dimensionality and shape of berries; 15 forms with no tendency to berry shedding. The largest accumulation of ascorbic acid from 51.3 to 61.4 mg/100 g was found in 10 seedlings, soluble solids from 13.9 to 15.9% was determined in 12 seedlings. Thus, as a result of studying the seed material of wild-growing forms of honeysuckle, the most valuable elite forms were selected for use in breeding as sources of productivity and quality of berries.
1.Belyurko, L.N., Sokolov, L.N., & Guryanov, G.K. (1965). Agro-climatic guide to the southern regions of Kamchatka. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Far Eastern Publishing House. (In Russian).
2.Belosokhov, F.G., Belosokhova, O.A., & Kondratyev, A.V. (2006). Genetic resources of honeysuckle and their use in breeding. Horticulture and viticulture, 3, 12-13. EDN: MGUHSV (In Russian).
3.Belosokhov, F.G., & Belosokhova O.A. (2012). Results of breeding of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea). The Bulletin of Michurinsk state agrarian university, 1-1, 45-47. EDN: PEJJVB (In Russian).
4.Ilyin, V.S., & Ilyina, N.A. (2013). Honeysuckle blue – a reliable berry crop of northern Russian gardens. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 55-61. EDN: SEIEYL (In Russian, English abstract).
5.Kozak, N.V., Imamkulova, Z.A., Kulikov, I.M., & Medvedev, S.M. (2018). Sources of economically valuable characteristics of collection samples of honeysuckle blue (Lonicera caerulea L.). Horticulture and viticulture, 1, 16-23. EDN: YRGNWV (In Russian, English abstract).
6.Kuklina, A.G., Sorokopudov, V.N., & Upadyshev, M.T. (2017). Current state and trends of selection of the sweet-berry honeysuckle. Vestnik of the russian agricultural science, 5, 41-45. EDN: ZWIFCR (In Russian, English abstract).
7.Makarov, V.N., Zhbanova, E.V., & Denisova, A.V. (2007). High-vitamin varieties of berry crops for processing. Horticulture and viticulture, 1, 11-12. EDN: HYJYXH(In Russian).
8.Petrusha, E.N. (2015). Breeding the new variety of the honeysuckle on the basis of Kamchatka genetic material. Vestnik of the russian agricultural science, 4, 19-20. EDN: QAFNEL (In Russian).
9.Petrusha, E. N. (2019). Economic biological characteristic of new grades of a honeysuckle of selection of the Kamchatka Scientifically Research Institute of Agriculture. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 58, 273-278. EDN: BVQPCP (In Russian, English abstract).
10.Plekhanova, M.N. (1999). Honeysuckle. In E.N. Sedov & T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 444–457). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: YHAQHF (In Russian).
11. Plekhanova, M.N. (2003) Results and prospects of blue honeysuckle breeding at N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry. In State and prospects of development of non-traditional horticultural crops: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp. 112-116). Voronezh: Kvarta. (In Russian).
12.Plekhanova, M.N. (1995). Honeysuckle breeding. In E.N. Sedov (Ed.), Program and methods fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (pp. 483-491). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: RZBPZC (In Russian).
13.Ryahovskaya, N.I., Gordusenko, E.V., Vlasenko, G.P., Gaynatulina, V.V., Struzhkina, T.M., Dakhno, O.A., Shalagina, N.M., Sosnovskaya, T.N., Petrusha, E.N., Dakhno, T.G., Ivashchenko, N.N., & Kochneva, M.B. (2015). The system of agriculture of the Kamchatka Region. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Kamchatpress. (In Russian).
14.Khokhryakova, L.A., & Pugach, V.A. (2022). Evaluation of selected forms of blue-berried honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea Rehd.) developed in the Altai region. Bulletin of Altai state agricultural university, 7, 40-46. EDN: OPPQMY (In Russian, English abstract).
15.Khokhryakova, L.A. (2022). Prospects for honeysuckle breeding. In Modern directions of horticulture development in Siberia: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 136-140). Barnaul: Azbuka. EDN: QBMWTP (In Russian).
Evtushenko, N.S., & Shmygov, A.V. (2023). Studying the productivity and large fruit size of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) in the Middle Urals. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 35-46. Blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L., Caprifoliaceae) is a promising berry crop, actively conquering world markets. The study of wide assortment of blue honeysuckle cultivars in the climatic conditions of the Middle Urals will allow recommending perspective cultivars for commercial and amateur gardening. The results of study of productivity of 28 cultivars of blue honeysuckle in the first five years of yielding in the conditions of the Middle Urals are given in the article. The research was carried out in accordance with “Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops”. During five year fruiting, medium productivity (1.1—2.0 kg/bush) was observed in 13 cultivars. It was revealed, that average yield (1.19—2.01 kg/bush) of 11 cultivars (Volhova, Zvyozdochka, Ivushka, Leningradskiy Velikan, Masha, Morena, Pavlovskaya, Silginka, Sinichka, Slavyanka, Yugana) was on the level of the control cultivar Lazurit (1.68 kg/bush). The yield of the rest of 17 cultivars was significantly lower than in the control. With the beginning of entry in industrial fruiting, the average yield of the crop increased by 114%. During three years of industrial fruiting, high yield was received from 7 cultivars (25%): Volhova, Zvyozdochka, Lazurit, Morena, Silginka, Sinichka, Yugana and medium yield was received from 16 cultivars (57%). In the conditions of the Middle Urals, on average for the crop, a strong positive correlation between the average fruit weight of blue honeysuckle and the quantity of precipitations in the first decade of June (coefficient of correlation was 0.92) and a negative link between the air temperature in the third decade of May and the average fruit weight (r = -0.94) of the crop were found at the 5% level of significance. During five year study, the fruits of the cultivars Bakcharskiy Velikan, Doch Velikana, Suvenir and Yugana were very large (1.31—1.44 g); the fruits of the cultivars Bakcharskaya Yubileynaya, Vostorg, Gordost Bakchara, Zvyozdochka, Ivushka, Izbrannitsa, Lazurit (control cultivar), Morena, Omega, Pavlovskaya, Silginka and Sodruzhestvo were large (0.96—1.18 g).
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19.Savinkova, N.V., & Gagarkin, A.V. (2013). Comparative description of honeysuckle cultivars of Siberian breeding. In Guarding and rational usage of forest resources: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 147-156). Blagoveshchensk - Heihe - Harbin: Far Eastern StateAgrarianUniversity. (In Russian).
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22.Czernienko, A. (2019). Trendy w rozwoju ogorodnictwa przemyslowego wicikrzeu w Rosji cena odmian pod katem porzeb rynkowych. In III Miedzynarodowa konferencja Kamczacka (pp. 107-114). Krakow: Hortus Media. (In Polish).
Borodkina, À.G., Lavrusevich, N.G., & Zubkova, Ì.À. (2023). Cytological screening of apple hybrid seedlings from heterochromosomal crosses. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 47-52. When polyploid forms are included in breeding, it is constantly necessary to carry out cytological control of hybrid offspring. This article presents data on the analysis of the ploidy of apple hybrids from heterochromosomal crosses of 2x × 4x type. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the ploidy status of new previously unexplored hybrid families of apple trees, which allows to identify the families that gave the greatest yield of triploid hybrids that may be of practical interest. The research was carried out according to methods of Kaptar S.G. (1967) and Pausheva Z.P. (1980). Ploidy was determined in hybrid families: 6534, 6519, 6520, 6533, 6491 and 6535. As a result, it turned out that in the family 6534 [Severny Sinap (2x) × 25-35-124 (4x)], 99% of seedlings of 95 studied plants were triploid with 2n = 3x = 51 chromosomes and 1% was diploid with 2n = 2x = 34 chromosomes. In families 6519 [Moskovskoye Ozherelie (2x) × 30-47-88 (4x)] and 6520 [Priokskoye (2x) × 13-6-10 (4x)], 100% of seedlings were triploid. In the combination of crossing Orlik (2x) × 30-47-88 (4x), the yield of triploid seedlings was 98%. In two families (6533, 6491), tetraploid 25-37-45 was taken as the paternal parent, and diploids were taken as the maternal plants: Severny Sinap (2õ) and Wealthy (2õ). Ploidy analysis showed that in the family 6533 [Severny Sinap (2x) × 25-37-45 (4x)] 94% of triploid plants and 6% of diploid plants were formed, and in the family 6491 [Wealthy (2x) × 25-37-45 (4x)] the percentage of triploid plants was less and amounted to 79%, and 21% of diploid plants, presumably the lower yield of triploids in this case was influenced by the diploid component. On average, 94% of studied plants were triploid and 6% of apple hybrids were diploid for all crossing combinations.
1.Gorbacheva, N.G., Sedov, E.N., & Klimenko, M.A. (2018). Cytological control in apple breeding on a polyploidy level. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 18-23. EDN: YWPHBK (In Russian, English abstract).
2.Gorbacheva, N.G., & Klimenko, M.A. (2019). Cytological control of hybrid seedlings and origin genotypes of apple in breeding with polyploidy using. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 25-31. EDN: SDZLPG (In Russian, English abstract).
3.Kaptar, S.G. (1967). A new accelerated method for studying mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of plants using propionolacmoid. Cytology and Genetics, 1(4), 87-90. (In Russian).
4.Makarenko, S.A. (2015) Morphobiological characters of apple hybrid seedlings from heteroploid crossings in a breeding nursery and their conjugation with ploidy. In Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 130-133). Orel: VNIISPK. EDN: UQEAGD (In Russian).
5.Pausheva, Z.P. (1980). Practicum on plant cytology. Kolos. (In Russian).
6.Sedov, E.N., Sedysheva, G.A., & Serova, Z.M. (2008). Apple breeding at the polyploidy level. Orel: VNIISPK. (In Russian).
7.Sedov, E.N., Sedysheva, G.A., Serova, Z.M., Gorbacheva, N.G., & Melnik, S.A. (2013). Breeding assesment of heteroploid crosses in the development of triploid apple varieties. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 17(3), 499-508. EDN: RUHMUD (In Russian, English abstract).
8.Sedov, E.N., Serova Z.M., Yanchuk T.V., & Korneeva, S.A. (2019). Triploid apple cultivars of VNIISPK breeding for improving the assortment (popularization of breeding achievements).Orel: VNIISPK. (In Russian).
9.Sedov, E.N., Yanchuk, T.V., & Korneeva, S.A. (2020). Stages, methods and results of apple breeding at the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. Rossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka, 5, 25-29. EDN: LNMZUG(In Russian, English abstract).
10.Sedov, E.N., Sedysheva, G.A., Serova, Z.M., & Yanchuk, T.V. (2020). New triploid apple cultivars immune to scab. Our agriculture, 1, 110-113. EDN: QPYKBZ (In Russian).
11.Sedov, E.N., Yanchuk, T.V., & Korneeva, S.A. (2022). New diploid, triploid, immunal to scab and column-like apple tree varieties in assortment improvement. Bulletin of the Russian Agricultural Science, 1, 25-31. EDN: LNMPZP (In Russian, English abstract).
12.Sedysheva, G.A., Sedov, E.N., Gorbacheva, N.G., Serova, Z.M., & Melnik, S.A. (2013). Cytological control in apple breeding on a polyploidy level. Achievements of science and technology in AIC, 7, 11-13. EDN: QUUVWF(In Russian, English abstract).
Slepneva, T.N., Kiseleva, O.A., Shagalov, E.S., & Chebykin, N.S. (2023). Features of pollen from plum cultivars in the Ural. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 53-64. The assortment of plums for the Ural region needs to be expanded and improved. For breeding, it is extremely important to have fertile pollen with high viability. However, no target study of the pollen characteristics from plum cultivars in the region had been carried out yet. The objects were the cultivars zoned in the Ural region: Uralskaya Zolotistaya, Pionerka, Evridika, Dominika and Sapfir. Pollen fertility was studied using the acetocarmine method, and stained slides were examined using an optical microscope. The viability was tested by germinating pollen on nutrient media in vitro. For the statistical analysis, MS Excel 2013 and Statistica 10.0 software packages were used. The pollen grains from Dominika were infertile, had no germination in vitro. The pollen grains from Sapfir sparsely developed, in spite of the anthers development.In other cultivars, more than 90% of pollen grains were fertile, the pollen germination averaged from 56 to 65%. Differences in the linear sizes of pollen grains were revealed between the cultivars. Dominica had the smallest pollen grains, which was probably due to its sterility. The other cultivars demonstrated the size variation of their pollen grains. Pionerka and Evridika had large pollen grains. One-way ANOVA with the following post-hoc analysis revealed that there were no significant differences in the size of the polar axis of pollen grains only between “Pionerka” and “Eurydice”, and in other cases differences were observed (F(3, 83) = 43.799, p < 0.00001). The comparison of the cultivars by the size of the equatorial diameter of pollen grains using the Kruskal-Wallis tests showed that there was difference between all studied cultivars (H (3, 87) = 48.09812, p < 0.00001), which was additionally confirmed by the U-criterion (p < 0.05). The identified pollen differences confirmed the prospects of using pollen from Uralskaya Zolotistaya, Pionerka and Evridika in hybridization. The results provide the opportunity to use the studied cultivars for further breeding.
1.Eremin, G.V. (2018). Detection of genetic relations between species in the genus Prunus L. when using them in breeding of stone fruit crops. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding, 179(3), 250-258. EDN: YUKAOT (In Russian, English abstract).
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3.Isakova, M.G. (2021). Adaptability of thorny plum varieties in the Middle Urals. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 66, 49-56. EDN: PVZSSJ (In Russian, English abstract).
4.Kravec, E.A. (2013). Cytomixis and its role in the regulation of plant fertility. Ontogenesis, 44(3), 147-165. EDN: QAXOHT (In Russian, English abstract).
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6.Motyleva, S.M., Mertvishcheva, M.E., & Brindza, J. (2016). Morphological characteristics of the surface of the pollen grains of the family Rosaceae Yuss. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 46, 251-258. EDN: WMHGUH (In Russian, English abstract).
7.Mochalova, O.V., & Matyunin, M.N. (2002). Cytoembryology and selection of distant hybrids and polyploids of stone fruit plants in Altai. Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. (In Russian).
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12.Slepneva, T.N., & Matyunin, M.N. (2020). The creation of new chinese plum varieties in the Urals. Bulletin of KSAU, 5, 80-92. EDN: DYXAYC (In Russian, English abstract).
13.Slepneva, T.N., & Gasimov, F.M. (2022). Plum, turn. In Makarenko S.A. (Ed.) Pomology of the Urals (pp. 202-245). Nauka. (in Russian).
14.Slepneva, T.N., & Isakova, M.G. (2018). The modern gene pool of stone fruit crops in the Middle Urals: mobilization, conservation and study. In Ecology and geography of plants and plant communities: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 902-907). Ekaterinburg: Humanities University. EDN: XUUPLN (In Russian, English abstract).
15.Slepneva, T.N., & Makarenko, S.A. (2020). Improving the assortment of plums in the Urals In Plant diversity: state, trends, concept of conservation: proc. sci. conf. (p.155). Novosibirsk: Academizdat. EDN: CXRIBR (In Russian).
16.Tikhonova, O.A., Gavrilova, O.A., Radchenko, E.A., Verzhuk, V.G., & Pavlov, A.V. (2020). Viability of black currant pollen before and after cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen, and its morphological features. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding, 181(3), 110-119. EDN: SKZHAD (In Russian, English abstract).
17.Tokarev, P.I. (2002) Morphology and ultrastructure of pollen grains. KÌÊ. (In Russian).
18.Tsarenko, V.P. (1981). Ussuri plum. Far Eastern book publishing house. (In Russian).
19.Dordevic, M., Cerovic, R., Nikolic, D., Radicevic, S., Glisic, I., & Milosevic, N. (2020). Using scanning electron microscopy to characterize Plum (Prunus domestica L.) genotypes. Comptes rendus de lAcademie bulgare des Sciences, 73(10), 1390-1397.
20.Guo, G.Q., & Zheng, G.C. (2004). Hypotheses for the functions of intercellular bridges in male germ cell development and its cellular mechanisms. Journal of theoretical biology, 229(1), 139-146.
21.Popa, V.I., Badulescu, L., Iordachescu, M., & Udriste, A.A. (2022). Preliminary Pollen Grain Characterization of Several Apple and Plum Varieties. Bulletin of university of agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 79(1), 33-40.
Dolzhikova, M.A., Pikunova, A.V., Gruner, L.A., & Kornilov, B.B. (2023). Study of microsatellite loci polymorphism as a stage on the way to certification of blackberries. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 65-73. This work is devoted to the study of polymorphism of 11 microsatellite loci on 15 blackberry cultivars. Most cultivars and forms of blackberries have four basic sets of chromosomes (2n = 4x = 28). In our work, most of the cultivars are tetraploids (Agawam, Reuben, the hybrid form Ò × Ñ, Brzezina, Loch Maree, Ouachita, Thornfree, Loch Tay, Cacanska Besterna, Chester) and several cultivars are hexaploids (Karaka Black, Texas, Helen). Theoretically, it is possible to observe 4 different fragments amplified on the DNA of one tetraploid genotype, which depends on the level of heterozygosity of the analyzed locus. In studies of apple hybrids having different ploidy (Pikunova et al., 2018), 3—4 fragments were observed in tetraploid genotypes. From 1 to 3 fragments were amplified in some tetraploid cultivars (in the variety Erie, 1 allele was amplified at the locus ERubLR_SQ019_3_G09, in the Hybrid T × C cultivar, 3 alleles were amplified at the ERubLR_SQ01_G16 locus). A total of 48 alleles were amplified on the DNA of 15 samples in 11 microsatellite loci. On average, one genotype of a tetraploid cultivar amplifies approximately 18 alleles at all loci. In some hexaploid cultivars, from 2 to 4 fragments were amplified (in Texas 2 alleles were amplified at the ERubLR_SQ19_3_G09 locus; in Karaka Black, 4 alleles were amplified at the ERubLR_SQ01_G16 locus). On average, one hexaploid genotype amplifies 25 alleles at all loci. This paper discusses the features and limitations of the method of detecting PCR products of microsatellite loci by separation in polyacrylamide gels. At this stage of the work, methods of amplification of 11 microsatellite blackberry loci have been worked out; polymorphism has been detected, and the most polymorphic loci have been identified (RubEndo_SQ004_N23, ERubLR_SQ01_G16, ERubLR_SQ01_M20), which can later be used for genetic certification of blackberry cultivars and work with genetic resources.
1.Gashenko, T.A., Frolova, L.V., & Kozlovskaya, Z.A. (2020). Molecular genetic certification of blackberry cultivars in Belarus. Grodno: GGAU.(In Russian).
2.Gruner, L.A., & Kornilov, B.B. (2020). Priority directions and prospects of blackberry breeding in the conditions of central Russia. Vavilovsky journal of genetics and breeding, 24, 489-500. EDN: UGZOAO(In Russian, English abstract).
3.Dunaeva, S.E., Krasovskaya, L.S., & Gavrilenko, T.A. (2022). Preservation of genetic resources of the genus Rubus (Rosaceae) ex situ (review). Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding, 183(1), 236-253. EDN: VYRUCH(In Russian, English abstract).
4.Kagan, D.I., Shestibratov, K.A., Lebedev, V.G., Azarova, A.B., Filippov, M.S., Besov, S.A., & Barsukova, M.M. (2014). Certification of raspberry and blackberry cultivars and study of their phylogenetic relationships by RAPD-analysis method. In Biotechnological techniques in biodiversity conservation and plant breeding: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 101-104). Minsk,. EDN: ZBVWAH(In Russian).
5.Kvetko, E.P., Kuzmitskaya, P.V., Mezhnina, O.A., & Urbanovich, O.Yu. (2019). Development and analysis of SSR markers for identification of cultivars and species of Malus representatives. Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops, 6(2), 30-33. EDN: VLIWUX(In Russian, English abstract).
6.Lebedev, V.G., Subbotina, N.M., Kirkach, V.V., Vidyagina, E.O., Pozdnyakov, I.A., & Shestibratov, K.A. (2018). Analysis of microsatellite loci as the first stage on the way to marker selection of raspberries and strawberries. Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops, 5(1), 65-68. EDN: UUGETS (In Russian, English abstract).
7.Pikunova, A.V., Sedov, E. N., Tokmakov, S. V., Suprun, I.I., Gorbacheva, N.G., Dolzhikova, M.A., & Serova, Z.M. (2018). Polymorphism of microsatellite loci of apple genotypes of different ploidy (Malus domestica Borkh.). Genetika, 54(4), 447-455. EDN: YWMRSO (In Russian, English abstract).
8.Subbotina, N.M., Lebedev, V.G., & Shestibratov, K.A. (2019). Genotyping of raspberry, blackberry cultivars and raspberry-blackberry hybrids using microsatellite markers. In Biotechnology in crop production, animal husbandry and agricultural microbiology: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 53-54). Moscow. EDN: TWTSRJ(In Russian).
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13.Graham, J., Smith, K., Woodhead, M., & Russell, J.R. (2002). Development and use of simple sequence repeat SSR markers in Rubus species. Molecular ecology notes, 2(3), 250-252.
14.Lee, G.A., Song, J.Y., Choi, H.R., Chung, J.W., Jeon, Y.A., Lee, J.R., Ma, K.H., & Lee, M.C. (2015). Novel microsatellite markers acquired from Rubus coreanus Miq. and cross-amplification in other Rubus species. Molecules, 20(4), 6432-6442
15.Lewers, K., Saski, C., Cuthbertson, B., Henry, D., Staton, M., Main, D., Dhanaraj, A., Rowland, L., & Tomkins, J. (2008). A blackberry (Rubus L.) expressed sequence tag library for the development of simple sequence repeat markers. BMC plant biology, 8(1), 1-8.
16.Lopez, A., Barrera, C., & Marulanda, M. (2019). Evaluation of SSR and SNP markers in Rubus glaucus Benth progenitors selection. Revista brasileira de fruticultura, 41.
17.Woodhead, M., Smith, K., Williamson, S., Cardle, L., Mazzitelli, L., & Graham, J. (2008). Identification, characterisation and mapping of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from raspberry root and bud ESTs. Molecular breeding, 22(4), 555-563.
Kuzmina, À.À. (2023). Evaluation of strawberry varieties by the soluble solids content in the forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Ob Region. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 74-86. This article presents the assessment of 38 single-fruiting strawberry cultivars for the soluble solids content (SSC) in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Novosibirsk Ob region. Experiments were carried out on plantings in 2016, 2018 for two cultivation cycles; the soil cover was represented by gray forest soils; irrigation and pesticide were not used. The years of the study 2018—2020 were distinguished by contrasting indicators of moisture availability and air temperature during the periods of crop formation. SSC was determined in a field laboratory using a refractometer “RI3”, the results were expressed in percentages. Berries without defects were analyzed at the peak of their ripeness, which was evaluated visually by the characteristic color of the fruit surface and the longitudinal section. The best indicator for the harvest period was used for a two-factor variance analysis (ANOVA). The cultivars of the collection were grouped according to their adaptability to local conditions: 1: the most adaptable; 2: less adaptable, including poorly studied samples. The SSC for three years was determined ≥ 10.0% in all the studied cultivars and ≥ 12 % in 71% of cultivars. The ANOVA results for the first group of cultivars showed that the variability of the studied trait was more influenced by the genotype factor (48.7—75.9%), its effect was insignificant (p = 0.138) when comparing the data obtained in the years (2018, 2020) with contrasting weather conditions, while the degree of the influence of weather conditions of the year was 21.8% (p = 0.001). Such cultivars as Anastasia (10.2—12.5%), Lutovskaya (10.5—12.6%); Tanyusha (11.0—12.5%); Elsanta (11.3—13.0%) and Honeoye (12.6—15.2%) showed consistently high indicators (V < 10%) for three years. The ANOVA results for group 2 found significant influences of both factors: "genotype" 60.3% (p = 0.038) and ”year” 12.6% (p = 0.014). The cultivars in the 2nd group were distributed according to the data for two years: Bersenevskaya (10.23—10.94%), Kokinskaya Zarya (11.49—12.40%) and Sadovospasskaya (11.39—12.23%) as the most stable cultivars (LSD05 = 1.01%); Gigantella, Corona and Vima Xima had the SSC > 12.0%; Vima Kimberly corresponded to both parameters (13.70—14.36%).
1.Aitzhanova, S.D., Andronova, N.V., & Nikulin, A.F. (2013). Assessment of the initial forms of garden strawberries by biochemical and marketability indicators of berries. Vestnik of the Bryansk state agricultural academy, 1, 18-21. EDN: TGZMVB (In Russian, English abstract).
2.Andrianova, N.G. Sirotina, T.O., Bimurzina, G.S., & Likhacheva, T.V. (2016). Berry quality of strawberry varieties in Zhezkazgan botanical garden. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 47, 25-30. EDN: XCRJTJ (In Russian, English abstract).
3.Andronova, N.V. (2018). Biochemical evaluation of caltivars and selections of garden strawberry on the content in fruits of soluble dry substances and sugars in the conditions of the South-West part of Non-black soil zone. In Konyaev readings: proc. sci. conf. (pp. 158-161), Yekaterinburg: Ural State Agrarian University. EDN: YRMAVN(In Russian).
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7.Zhbanova, Y.V. (2011). Variability of the chemical composition of strawberry fruits in the conditions of the CCR. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 28, 201-207. EDN: NYNFEF (In Russian).
8.Zhbanova, Y.V., & Lukyanchuk, I.V. (2015). The marketability-&-consumer and technological features of berries of perspective varieties of strawberry. Austrian journal of technical and natural sciences, 1-2, 84-86. EDN: VQDZBD (In Russian, English abstract).
9.Zhbanova, Ye.V., Lukyanchuk, I.V., & Pak, N.A. (2016). Evaluation of strawberry selected forms for soluble solids content in fruit. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 45, 72-76. EDN: TXSNJJ (In Russian).
10.Zolotareva, A.M., Belykh, A.M., T.F. Chirkina, T.F., & Kuzmina, A.A. (2004). Fruit raw material of the Siberian garden and its nutritional value. Novosibirsk. EDN: DWEEUS(In Russian).
11.Zubkova, M.I., Makarkina, M.A., & Knyazev, S.D. (2020). Strawberry assessment for biochemical and organoleptic features of berries in the Orel region. Bulletin of agrarian science, 4, 9-15. EDN: VKZIQI (In Russian, English abstract).
13.Kuzmina, A.À., & Kuzmin, A.À.V. (2020). Evaluation of uniformity of strawberry fruit ripening using a refractometer. In Plant gene pool and breeding: proc. sci. conf. (pp.57-60). Novosibirsk. EDN: WKZEXI (In Russian, English abstract).
14. Martynova, A.A. (2011) Ecological and biological features of Fragaria × ananassa Duch. in the conditions of the North (on the example of the Murmansk region). (Biol. Sci. Cand. Thesis). Petrozavodsk. EDN: ZODYXP (In Russian).
15.Prichko, T.G., Droficheva, N.V., Smelik, T.L., & Karpushina, M.V. (2021). Nutrients of fresh strawberries and products of its processing taking into account varietal characteristics. Problems of nutrition, 90(2), 117-127. EDN: KUDGYM (In Russian, English abstract).
16.Prichko, T.G., Yakovenko, V.V., & Germanova, M.G. (2011). Varietal differences in the chemical composition of strawberries of the Krasnodar region. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 27, 209-219. EDN: NXNUDR (In Russian).
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Babintseva,N.A. (2023). Influence of the crown shape on the growth activity and specific productivity of pear trees (Purus communis L) on the rootstock of quince VA-29 under the conditions of the foothill Crimea. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 87-96. One of the most important areas of innovation in the industrial horticulture of the Crimea is the development and dissemination of new high-intensity technologies for fruit production, which can significantly increase the fruiting resource of the orchard. The article presents the results of research in pear plantations of the Maria pear cultivar in the intensive orchard of 2013 planting on the stock of quince VA-29 in the Crimean Experimental Horticulture Station department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NBS-NSC". The objects of the research were the crown shapes: slender spindle (control), leaderless flattened, flattened fusiform, three-leader and Crimean columnar planted with a planting pattern of 4.0 × 1.5 m. It has been established that the cultivation of pear in the conditions of the foothill zone of the CrimeanPeninsula is highly profitable with the use of low labor-intensive crown forms: leaderless flattened, flattened fusiform and Crimean columnar in combination with the Maria cultivar. It has also been established that for pruning trees with the above crown shapes, one worker needs to spend 1.9—2.5 times less working time and receive a specific load of fruits 1.6—2.2 times higher according to the projection of the crown and 1.8—2.4 times higher by crown volume compared to the slender spindle (control). The average yield for the period 2018—2021 was: 23.3 t/ha (flattened fusiform crown) and 15.4 t/ha (leaderless flattened crown), which provide a profit per 1 hectare in the amount of 798.5 thousand rubles and 628.5 thousand rubles. The yield of pear trees with the Crimean columnar crown shape was somewhat lower – 13.4 t/ha, where the profit was 472.1 thousand rubles from 1 hectare. In the course of the research, an increase in biometric indicators was observed in trees with a flattened fusiform crown and a three-leader tree by 7.0% and 12.3%, respectively, and in a leaderless flattened crown these indicators were more compact by 10.4% (according to the crown projection) and by 26.2% (according to crown volume).
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