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Ýë ¹ ÔÑ 77-77630 îò 31.12.2019 ã.
The investigations have been carried out at the expense of the grant of Russian Scientific Fund (Project ¹ 14-16-00127)
The All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding is one of the main suppliers of new apple varieties meeting the up-to-date production requirements. Commercial and biological characteristics of 6 new apple varieties developed at the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding and included in the State Register of breeding achievements admitted for use for the last years are given. Two winter maturing varieties (Aleksandr Boiko and Vavilovskoye) are both triploids and immune to scab. Vavilovskoye has nice-looking fruit with high marketable and consumer qualities and they can be stored in a cold atmosphere till the second decade of March. Winter maturing triploid variety Patriot is characterized by high and regular productivity. Summer maturing triploid variety Osipovskoye has dessert fruit. Two columnar varieties Priokskoye and Poezia are characterized by early fruit-bearing, good productivity and high marketable and consumer fruit quality.
1. Zhdanov V.V., Sedov E.N. (1991): Apple breeding for scab resistance. Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, Tula. (in Russian). 2. Pirogov V.A., Dulin I.V. (1997): Natural wealthy of Orel region.: scientific and regional edition. Orelizdat, Orel. (in Russian). 3. Program and methods fruit, berry and nut crop breeding (1995): Sedov E.N. (ed.). VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian). 4. Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (1999): Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P.(ed.). VNIISPK. Orel. (in Russian). 5. Sedov E.N. (2011): Breeding and new apple varieties. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian). 6. Sedov E.N., Korneeva S.A., Serova Z.M. (2013): Columnar apples in the intensive orchard. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian). 7. Sedov E.N., Sedysheva G.A., Serova Z.M. (2008): Apple breeding on a polyploidy level. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian). 8. Sedov E.N., Zhdanov V.V. (1983): Apple resistance to scab (varieties and breeding). Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, Tula. (in Russian). 9. Sedysheva G.A., Sedov E.N. (1994): Polyploidy in apple breeding. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian).
The article represents study results of self-pollination and crosspollination of apple kinds regionalized in Buryatia. The best and acceptable pollinizers for these kinds were revealed. The kinds of apple which show certain independence from maternal and paternal form compatibility are revealed. With artificial self-pollination 4 kinds of 7 were referred to self-nonpollinated. Apple kinds like Slava Buryatii, Komsomolets Buryatii were referred to partly self-pollinated. Pervenets Buryatii apple kind self-pollination shows fruit inception percent close to control version.
1. Guseva N.K. (2009): Self-pollination of Buryat kinds of black current in Conception and technology of agriculture in arid zone of Altai-Sayan subregion, Abakan, 79-82. (in Russian). 2. Sedov E.N., Ogoltseva T.P. (1999): The programme and methodology of fruit, berry and nutgull plants, Orel, 608. (in Russian). 3. Usenko V.I., Puchkin I.A. (2011): Work programme of selection centre of scientific-research institute of gardening named after Lisavenko M.A. till 2030 year, edition 3, Novosibirsk, 336 (in Russian). 4. Kalinina I.P., Yaschemskaya Z.S., Makarenko S.A. (2010): Apple winter resistance, high crop capacity, scab resistance, and high fruit quality selection in south of Western Siberia, Novosibirsk, 310 p. (in Russian). 5. Kushnarev M.A. (2009): Kind study and increase productivity reserve of apple in different zones of Siberia: author’s abstract of scientific paper, Barnaul, 17 (in Russian). 6. Puchkin I.A. (2013): Crosspollination of pear kinds regionalized in Altai region, Barnaul, 276-282. (in Russian). 7. Sedov E.N. (2003): Some ways to create varieties of apple for intensive adaptive gardens. In: Problems of sustainable development of horticulture in Siberia. Barnaul, 46-49. (in Russian).
The experimental studies conducted in the Timiryazevskaya village, Kubinskiy region, have shown that Reinette Simirenko, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji, Golden Delicious × 972, Jonagold and Jonared apple cultivars grafted on MM-106, M-9, and Pajam-1 rootstocks have biometric indicators relatively smaller than on the seedling rootstock of a Caucasian wild apple. Per tree yield in all cultivars on clonal rootstocks is more than on the seedling rootstock. As a result, according to all biometric indicators the productivity of trees is higher in the cultivars on clonal rootstocks than on seedlings. The best results are observed in cultivars grafted on Pajam rootstock. Those cultivars grafted on M-9 and MM-106 follow them. The highest results of tree productivity on all rootstocks are observed in Granny Smith and the lowest ones in Jonared, respectively.
1.Beyakhmedov I.A., Gasanov Z.M. (2014): Biometric indices and productivity of introduced apple varieties in Kuba-Hachmasskaya zone of Azerbaijan. Subtropicheskoe i dekorativnoe sadovodstvo, 51: 67-72. (in Russian).
2.Gryazev V.A. (2011): Nursery growing. Rostizdat, Rostov na Donu. (in Russian).
3.Karpenchuk G.K., Melnik A.V. (1987): Records, observations, analysis, data treatment in the experiments with fruit and berry plants. Uman Agricultural Institute. Uman. (in Russian).
4.Methods of state variety testing of agricultural crops. Fruit, berry, subtropical citrus, nut crops, grapes and tea (1970): Kolos, Moscow. (in Russian).
5.Trunov Yu.V. (2010): Mineral nutrition and fertilizing of apple. VNIIS, Michurinsk-Naukograd. (in Russian).
6.Trunov Yu.V., Kuzin A.I. (2011): Clone apple rootstocks of V.I. Budagovsky breeding in Russian and foreign horticulture. In: Col. “Approaching to 100-year anniversary of V.I. Budagovsky”. VNIIS, Michurinsk-Naukograd, 302-304. (in Russian).
Apple cultivars grown on dwarf and semi-dwarf intercalary stocks have been estimated according to production and biological indices and cultivar suitability for use in the intensive orchards. It has been determined that the application of dwarf and semi-dwarf intercalary stocks in combination with home-produced immune and high-resistant apple cultivars allows to develop early-fruiting, productive and adaptive plantations with high economical efficiency.
1.Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (1999): Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (ed.). VNIISPK. Orel. (in Russian).
2.Leonchenko V.G., Evseeva R.P., Zhbanova E.V., Cherenkova T.A. (2007): Preliminary selection of promising genotypes of fruit plants for environmental resistance and biochemical value of fruit (methodical recommendations). VNIIGISPR, Michurinsk. (in Russian).
3.Krasova N.G., Galasheva A.M. (2012): Productivity of apple varieties on low-sized rootstocks. Plodovodstvo i yagodovodstvo Rossii [Fruit- and berry-growing of Russia], 39: 259-267. (in Russian).
4.Galasheva A.M., Krasova N.G. (2010): Growth and fruit-bearing features of apple varieties on semi-dwarf intercalary stocks. In: Proc. Int. Conf. The improvement of assortment and technologies of cultivation of fruit and berry crops. VNIISPK, Orel, 46-49. (in Russian).
5.Krasova N.G., Galasheva A.M. (2010): Productivity of apple varieties in the intensive orchard. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo [Contemporary horticulture], 2: 26-30. (in Russian).
6.Krasova N.G., Galasheva A.M. (2014): Apple varieties in the intensive orchard. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Modern approaches to the creation of intensive orchards. Actual problems. N.I. Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov, 54-58. (in Russian).
The investigations have been carried out at the expense of the grant of Russian Scientific Fund (Project ¹ 14-16-00127)
VNIISPK (All Russia Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding) is a pioneer in breeding of scab immune apple cultivars (Vf) in Russia. By nowadays 21 scab immune apple cultivars have been developed. Comparative characteristics of immune and non-immune apple cultivars are given on durability of fruit shelf life, fruit appearance attractiveness and taste as well as the contents of sugars titrate acids, ascorbic acid and P-active substances in fruit. A conclusion has been made that it is perspective to apply scab immune apple cultivars developed at the VNIISPK in the broad production.
1.Arkhipova T.N., Shishkina E.E. (1996): The assessment of Altai apple varieties on biochemical indices. In: Proc. Intern. Sci. and Met. Conf. The condition of fruit and berry assortment and breeding task. VNIISPK, Orel, 13-15. (in Russian).
2.Zhdanov V.V., Sedov E.N. (1991): Apple breeding for scab resistance. Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, Tula. (in Russian).
3.Kichina V.V. (2011): Principles of orchard plant improvement. VSTISP, Moscow. (in Russian).
4.Methods of biochemical research of plants (1987): Ermakov A.I. et al. (ed.). Agropromizdat, Leningrad. (in Russian).
5.Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (1999): Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P.(ed.). VNIISPK. Orel. (in Russian).
6.Sedov E.N., Makarkina M.A., Levgerova N.S. (2007): Biochemical and technological characteristic of apple gene pool fruit. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian).
7.Sedov E.N. (2011): Breeding and new apple varieties. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian).
8.Sedov E.N., Zhdanov V.V. (1983): Apple resistance to scab (varieties and breeding). Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, Tula. (in Russian).
9.Shirko T.S., Yaroshevich I.V. (1991): Biochemistry and quality of fruit. Navuka i tekhnika, Minsk. (in Russian).
The literature data on the biochemical values of cherry fruits and the accumulation of specific therapeutic components are analyzed in this article. The intervals of variability of biochemical traits in the collections of cherries varieties from different regions are considered. A comparative analysis of the accumulation of biochemical substances in the middle of Russia (Michurinsk) with other regions was carried out. The maximum levels of biochemical substance content were revealed: soluble solids to 26,0%, sugars to 17,3%, fruit acidity to 2,58%, ascorbic acid to 34,1 mg/100g, anthocyans to 468,2 mg/100g, pectic substances to 1,12%.The perspective genotypes with improved parameters of biochemical composition of fruits for breeding and production (Granit, Brilliant, Korall, Rovesniza, Prevoshodnaja Venjaminova, Prevoshodnaja Kolesnikovoj, Desertnaja Morozovoj, 1-13-3, 2-26-4, 5-10-4, elite form 6-85) been allocated.
1.Orekhova V.P., Zhebentyaeva T.N. (1989): The biochemical composition of fruits and cherries productivity in the Crimea. In: Proc. Conf. Biologically active substances of plant. 109: 137-146. (in Russian).
2.Witkowski V.L. (2003): Fruit plants in the world. Lan, Saint Petersburg. (in Russian).
3.Mahmood T., Anwar F., Ahmad Bhatti I., Iqbal T. (2013): Effect of maturity on proximate composition, phenolics and antioxidant attributes of cherry fruit. Pak. J. Bot., 45(3): 909-914.
4.Ruisa S., Krasnova I., Feldmane D.(2008): Remove from marked Records Investigation of the biochemical composition of cherries in Latvia. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Sustainable Fruit Growing: From Plant to Product, 258-264.
5.Gudkovskiy V.A. (2001): Antioxidant complex fruit and berries, and its role in the protection of living systems (human, plant, fruit) from oxidative stress and diseases. In: Main results and perspectives of research VNIIS named after I.V. Michurin (1931-2001-ies). VNIIS, Tambov, 76-88. (in Russian).
6.Viljevac M., Jurkovic V. , Mihaljevic I. , Tomas V., Puskar B., Lepedus H., Sudar R., Jurkovic Z. (2012): Relation between polyphenols content and skin colour in sour cherry fruits. J. Agric. Sci., 57(2): 57-67. DOI: 10.2298/JAS1202057V
7.Vigorov L.I. (1975): Biologically active substances of cherries and sweet cherries fruit. In: Symposium reports Cherry and sweet cherry, Melitopol-Kiev, 258-262. (in Russian).
8.Duskabilova T.I., Duskabilov T., Muraviev G.A. (2007): Cherries in the south of central Siberia. Novosibirsk. (in Russian).
9.Chalaya L.D., Prichko T.G., Smelik T.L. (2009): Biochemical and technological estimation of cherries fruits grown in the south of Russia. Sadovodstvo i vinogradarstvo [Gardening and wine growing], 3: 33-36. (in Russian).
10.Dagirova H.B., Poghosova S.Y. (2003): Biologically active substances in fruit stone fruit crops. In: Anniversary Collection of scientific proceedings of the Dagestan Experimental Selection Station of fruit crops. Buynaksk, 95-97. (in Russian).
11.Solonkin A.V. (2000): Selection estimation of new cherries varieties and hybrids in the Volgograd region. [Candidate of Agricultural Sciences ]. Volgograd State Agrarian Academy, Saratov. (in Russian).
12.Makarkina M.A. (2003): Biochemical estimation of fruits of some cherries varieties. In: Proc. Int. Conf. The role of varieties and new technologies in the intensive horticulture. VNIISPK, Orel, 208-211. (in Russian).
13.Chashchukhina N.Y. (1985): Chemical-technological characteristics of cherries varieties on the Middle Urals. Trudy Uralskogo NIISKh [Proceedings of Ural Agricultural Research Institute], 45: 74-76. (in Russian).
14.Subbotin G.I. (2002): Cherries in the Southern Siberia. Altay Univ., Barnaul. (in Russian).
15.Methods of biochemical research of plants (1987): Ermakov A.I. et al. (ed.). Agropromizdat, Leningrad. (in Russian).
16.Dospehov B.A. (1985): The technique of field experience. Kolos, Moscow. (in Russian).
17.Wide unified classifier CMEA of Cerasus Mill. Genus. (1989): VIR, Leningrad. (in Russian).
18.Zhukov O.S., Haritonova E.I. (1988): The cherry selection. Ìoscow. (in Russian).
Self-fertility has been studied in 54 genetically diverse cultivars of black currant under conditions of the Russian Northwest. Such cultivars as Orlovskaya serenada, Legenda, Azhurnaya, Kalinovka, Gratsia, Nadiya, Dachnitsa, Almiai, Chudnoe mgnovenie, Orlovskii vals, Ametist, Voevoda, Slavyanka have been found to have high levels of self-fertility and recommended to be used as sources of this character in breeding programs. The high self-fertility varieties mainly are 3-4-genomic descendants of Ribes dikuscha Fisch. ex Turcz. It is shown that the free pollination and artificial self-pollination have a positive impact on the value of the set, fruit weight and seed productivity.
1.Vavilov A. (1980): Self-fertility and self-sterility of varieties and species of black currant. In: Breeding of black currant. Novosibirsk, 111-115. (in Russian).
2.Volodina E. V. (1972): Biology flowering of black currant. Bulletin of applied botany, genetics and breeding. Leningrad, 46(2), 157- 167. (in Russian).
3.Volodina E. V., Naumova G. A. (1980): Industrial assortment and new directions of black currant breeding. Moscow. (in Russian).
4.Voluznev A. G. (1961): Biological features and the breeding of new varieties of black currant in the conditions of Belarus. [Abstract of the thesis of the candidate of biological sciences]. Minsk. (in Russian).
5.Voluznev A. G. (1988): Siberian subspecies - the basis of the creation of black currant varieties of industrial culture. In: Breeding and variety trial of black currant. Michurinsk, 17-20. (in Russian).
6.Voluznev A. G., Zazulina N. A. (1983): Geterostiliya in cultivars and hybrids of black currant. Plodovodstvo, 5: 30-33. (in Russian).
7.Voluznev A. G., Zazulina, N. A. (1990): Variety and selection of black currant in the Byelorussian SSR. In: Status and prospects of development of berry-culture in the USSR. Michurinsk, 49-52. (in Russian).
8.Guseva N. K., Papilova O.N. (2014): Breeding and technological berry qualities of the Buryat cultivars of black currant. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo-Contemporary horticulture, 2: 34-37. (Available at (in Russian).
9.Elsakova S. D. (1970): Self-fertility and harvest of some varieties of black currant. In: Proceedings of graduate students and young researchers. Leningrad. (17), 430-432. (in Russian).
10.Elsakova S. D. (1972): Biological features of black currant in the conditions of the Murmansk region. In: Culture of black currant in the USSR. Moscow, 58-62. (in Russian).
11.Zhidekhina T.V., Gurieva, I.V. (2010): New varieties of black currant, and their self-fertility and interpollination. Stiinta Agricola,2: 17-21. (in Russian).
12.Zhdanov V.V. (1970): Self-fertility of black currant varieties and its inheritance in the hybrid posterity. [Abstract of the thesis of the candidate of agricultiral sciences]. Michurinsk. (in Russian).
13.Zhdanov V.V. (1971): Biological features of flowering, pollination and fertilization varieties and seedlings of black currant in connection with the degree of their self-fertility. In: Breeding, variety trials, agrotechnics of fruit and berry crops. Orel,(5), 114-121. (in Russian).
14. Zabelina L. N. (1980): Ecological and biological characteristics of the Siberian subspecies of black currant and inheritance of the main features in its hybrid offspring. In: Breeding of black currant. Novosibirsk, 64-68. (in Russian).
15. Zotova, Z. S., Kravtseva, N. I. (1972): Selection of currant in the Altai. In: Culture of black currant in the USSR. Moscow, 358-362. (in Russian).
16.Kazakov I. V., Sazonov F. F. (2007): Assessment and creation of a raw material of black currant for the main direction of breeding. In: The current state of currants and gooseberries cultures. Michurinsk, 81-91. (in Russian).
17.Koloteva N. I. (1981): The phenomenon of apomixis in black currant and its importance in breeding]. In: Breeding and variety trials of black currant. Barnaul, 79-85. (in Russian).
18.Koloteva N. I. (1990): Apomixis and its using in breeding blackcurrant. Bulletin of scientific information TSGL, 48: 46-48. (in Russian).
19.Koltsova E. V. (1972): Variety trial of currant in the Kuibyshev region. In: Culture of black currant in the USSR. Moscow, 551-557. (in Russian).
20.Korotkov N. I. (1989):The dependence of the productivity of blackcurrant from meteorological condition in the early of growing season and the use of this parameter for the characterization of varieties. Bulletin of scientific information TSGL, 47: 41-43. (in Russian).
21.Knyazev S. D., Ogoltsova T. P. (2004): Breeding of blackcurrant at the present stage. Orel. (in Russian).
22.Kuminov E. P. (1972): Self-fertility of black currant varieties and inheritance of this trait in the hybrid offspring. In: Culture of black currant in the USSR. Moscow, 485-493. (in Russian).
23.Lenivtseva O. P. (1972): Improving assortment of black currant in the Irkutsk region. In: Culture of blackcurrant in the USSR. Moscow, 547-550. (in Russian).
24.Libek A.-B. A. (1980): Biological features of formation crop varieties of black currant in the Estonian SSR. [Abstract of the thesis of the candidate of biological sciences]. Tartu. (in Russian).
25.Ogoltsova T. P. (1992): Selection of black currant past, present and future. Tula. (in Russian).
26.Olchina E. I. (1971): Self-fertility of varieties and hybrids of black currant]. In: Proceedings of the Saratov Experimental Station of Horticulture. Saratov, 82-85. (in Russian).
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28.Potapenko A. A. (1980): For the question of black currant breeding in the Novosibirsk region. In: Breeding of black currant. Novosibirsk, 33-39. (in Russian).
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31.Ravkin A. S. (1987): Black currant. The initial material, selection and varieties. Moscow. (in Russian).
32.Rainchikova G. P. (1971): Biology of flowering and pollination of black currant varieties of different origin in conditions of Belarus. [Abstract of the thesis of the candidate of biological sciences]. Minsk. (in Russian).
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34.Sardaryan L.S. (1989): Biological and economical traits of black currant varieties in the condition of Shirak zone of Armenia. [Abstract of the thesis of the candidate of agriculture sciences]. Erevan. (in Russian).
35.Smirnov A. G. (1972): Studying of black currant pollination. In: Culture of black currant in the USSR. Moscow, 456-465. (in Russian).
36.Stepanova T. I. (1982): The degree of self-fertility and cross pollination of black currant in the Lower Volga. Bulletin of applied botany, genetics and breeding, 74(1): 109-115. (in Russian).
37.Studenskaya I. S., Fedorova T. I. (1973): Self-fertility and harvest of black currant. Proceedings LPOOS, 25: 84-89. (in Russian).
38.Tikhonova O. A. (2008): Self-fertility of new black currant cultivars in the North-West of Russia. In: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Problems of Agroecology and adaptability of varieties in modern horticulture Russia". Orel, 255-258. (in Russian).
39.Shpileva I. V. (1972): Studying of self-fertility and interpollination of black currant varieties in Western Siberia. In: Ñulture blackcurrant in the USSR. Moscow, 479-484. (in Russian).
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44.Tikhonova O. A., Volodina E. V. (2001): Self-fertility of black currant cultivars in the North-West of Russia. Scientific works of Lithuanin Institute of Horticulture and Lithuanian University of Agriculture, 20(3)-1: 301-306.
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Basic results of gooseberry breeding are given for many years. A large work on gooseberry breeding was carried out in the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding in 1992-2014 and the following results were obtained. The overall volume of hybridization made up 62 885 flowers (354 hybrid families). 110 selected forms were selected according to a complex of characters and individual outstanding characters. 18 hybrid families were singled out from selected to elite ones. One donor of high resistance to leaf spots and powdery mildew was selected. 11 sources of outstanding characters were revealed (high content of ascorbic acid, large size of fruit, weakly thorny bushes). 6 gooseberry varieties (Solnechny Zaichik, Nekrasovski, Yupiter, Zemlianichny, Moriachok and Discovery) were passed to the State Variety Trials.
1.Aladina O.N. (2007): Gooseberry. Niola-Press, Moscow. (in Russian).
2.Ilin V.S. (2007): Gooseberry. Yuzhno-Uralskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo, Chelyabinsk. (in Russian).
3.The state register of breeding achievements admitted for use. (2015): Plant varieties, 1: 297. (in Russian).
4.Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding. (1995): Sedov E.N. (ed.). (in Russian).
5.Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops. (1999): Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (ed.). (in Russian).
6.Sorokopudov V. N., Solovieva A. E. (2004): Criteria of gooseberry varieties assessment in Siberia. In: The crop genetic resources of the Far East. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 333-337. (in Russian).
7.Tyurina M.M. (1978): The accelerated assessment of winter hardiness of fruit and berry crops. VASKhNIL, Moscow. (in Russian).
8.Practical work on plant physiology (1990): Tretyakov N.N., Karnaukhova T.V., Panichkin L.A. (ed.). Agropromizdat, Moscow. (in Russian).
9.Kurashev O. V., Sokolova S. E., Filina T. G. (2000): Biochemical study of fruit of gooseberry selections of VNIISPK breeding. In: New varieties and technologies of fruit and berry crop cultivation for intensive orchards. Reports at the Int. Sci. and Met. Conf. VNIISPK, Orel. (in Russian).
10.Ozherelieva Z.E., Kurashev O.V. (2014): Determining of frost resistance of vegetative buds and tissues in gooseberry genotypes under controlled conditions. Plodovodstvo i yagodovodstvo Rossii [Fruit- and berry-growing of Russia], 39: 168-171. (in Russian).
11.Ozherelieva Z.E., Kurashev O.V. (2014): Drought effect on the water regime of gooseberry. In: Proc. 17 Int. Conf. Fruit growing, seed growing and introduction of wood plants. Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk, 69-72. (in Russian).
The paper presents the results of years of research of economic and biological evaluation of 56 strawberry varieties of domestic and foreign selection in the conditions of the Leningrad region. Varieties and hybrids of value for breeding and practical use of the main characteristics and properties: the earliest and most late ripening, high hardiness, practical stability to diseases and pests, high yield, large-fruited, superb taste. Also identified varieties for amateur gardening.
1.Douglas V. S., Thomas G., Kirk D.L. W. Douglas Gubler, John H., Sharon C.K. (2010): Strawberry breeding improves genetic resistance to Verticillium wilt. California Agriculture 64(1):37-41. DOI: 10.3733/ca.v064n01p37.
2.Shaw D.V., Gordon T.R., Hansen J., Kirkpatrick S.C. (2010): Relationship between the extent of colonization by Verticillium dahliae and symptom exspression in strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa) genotypes resistant to Verticillium wilt. Plant Pathology, 59:376-381, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2009.02203.x.
3.Particka C.A., Hancock J.F (2008): Breeding for Increased Tolerance to Black Root Rot in Strawberry. HortScience, 43: 1698-1702.
4.Chandler K.C., Mertely C.J., Peres N. (2006): Resistance of Selected Strawberry Cultivars to Anthracnose Fruit Rot and Botrytis Fruit Rot. Acta Hort., 708: 123-126.
In the article were reported on the status of pomegranate plantations (total area, the production of fruits, yield gardens), of Goychay city of Shirvan area, which is the large fruit zone of Azerbaijan. Here the total area of the pomegranate plantations is about 20 thousand hectares, where is mainly cultivated local varieties. Specified widely cultivated varieties both local national and analytical breeding, and foreign varieties, introduced from abroad. Analyses of the fruit as local folk breeding varieties and new breeding and introduced cultivars showed that pomegranate fruits are very rich dry substances, general and invert sugars, organic acids, phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid.
1.Bakshutov S.A., Sorokopudov V.N., Navalneva I.A. (2011): Biologically active substances of fruit species Grataegus under Belogoriya. Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin, 9(15): 266-270. (in Russian).
2.Witkowski V.L. (2003): Fruit plants in the world. Lan, Saint Petersburg. (in Russian)
3.Hasanov Z.M., Mikeladze A.D., Kopaliani R.Sh., Suleymanova E.V. (2013): Subtropical crops. Publishing house "Sharq-Gharb", Baku. (in Russian).
4.Gins V.K., Kononkov P.F., Gins M.S. (2001): Selektsiya vegetables on a high content of biologically active substances.Vestnik Rossiyskoy akademii selskokhozyaystvennykh nauk [Herald of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences], 1: 27-29. (in Russian).
5.Gudkovskiy VA (1998): Natural antioxidants are fruits and vegetables - a source of health. In: Ways to improve the stability of gardening. Michurinsk, 30-35. (in Russian).
6.Gudkovskiy VA (2001): Antioxidant (healing) properties of fruits and berries, and advanced methods of storage. Khranenie i pererabotka selkhozsyrya [Storage and processing of farm products], 4: 13-19. .(in Russian)
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Data on growth and seed-bearing of different populations of Siberian cedar pine at the experimental plantations of the Scientific-Experimental Forestry of the Siberian State Technological University are given. The biometric indicators of 7-year old seedlings have been defined. The maternal trees having early seed-bearing have been selected, their general combining ability has been tested with the account of growth indices of 7-year old semi sibs and genetically valuable trees have been singled out. It is recommended to use them as maternal trees for seed picking for the purpose of reforestation on the genetic and breeding basis.
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The effect of dehydrating on the change of water regime of apple cultivar-rootstock combinations during vegetation has been studied in the laboratory conditions. Such basic water regime indications as a total water content, water loss and water restoration have been determined. The deterioration of the total water content under the influence of weather conditions, yield load and natural aging of leaves has been revealed as a result of the research. Jubilar apple on 3-3-72 intercalary stock demonstrated the highest level of drought resistance during all years of the research.
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This publication generalizes the features of the null stage of meristem planting of apple cultivars immune to scab. The optimization of regeneration processes from explants and micropropagation proper for account of nutrient medium selection gives an opportunity to augment cultivars in condition of buds and shoots. The use of F-medium (Fardzinova-medium) basically favoured growth of a great number of buds compared to shoots. Adventive and apical buds are the best variants of the initial material for colchicine treatment. For the purpose of obtaining valuable colchicinized plants the scheme has been worked out stage-by-stage. Polyploidy meristem (2n=51 and 2n=68) as well as apple polyploid (2n=68) have been induced from seedlings in the stage of a cotyledon with the use of colchicine.
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In terms of garden array (RRIFCB) investigated the response pollen fertility (%), the leaf area average projection of the crown and the thickness of leathery integument fruits of two varieties of Apple – Imruz and Sinap Orlovsky at foliar fertilizing of trees within 4 years (2011…2014). Foliar treatment was performed 5 times during the vegetation period const schema: 1. control of water treatment; 2. boric acid (H3BO3) – 0.1%; 3. potassium sulfate (K2SO4) – 0.3%; 4. calcium chloride (CaCl2) – 1%; water-salt mixture: 5. H3BO3+K2SO4; 6. H3BO3+CaCl2; 7. K2SO4+CaCl2; 8. H3BO3+K2SO4+CaCl2. A discussion of the results found that foliar feeding options in some cases have a significant impact on the growth dynamics of the studied parameters of Apple. Thus, the fertility of the pollen of both varieties is closely related with complex B+Ca+K, the area of the leaf - with the mixture K+Ca, and the thickness of the skin of the fruit, again with B+Ca+K. It is likely that boron does not have a significant impact on the area of the leave. It was also established that the thickness of fruit cover more winter varieties Sinap Orlovsky about winter varieties Imruz. As a whole, changes in the parameters of the two Apple varieties closely connected with a genotype and years of supervision that will be coordinated with literature data of various researchers of USA, France, Germany, Czech, Poland and others [4].
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