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Makeeva, G.Yu., Tyak, G.V., Makeev, V.A., & Makarov, S.S. (2023). Creation of the first russian cultivars of blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). Contemporary horticulture, 1, 1-14. The results of breeding for the creation of blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) hybrids suitable for cultivation in the regions of the taiga zone of the European part of Russia are given. The hybrids were obtained using two original maternal blueberry cultivars – Northblue and Putte. The pollinators of Northblue were economically valuable forms of V. angustifolium and the pollinators of Putte were forms and cultivars of highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum). 13 most promising forms of V. angustifolium were selected for cultivation in the conditions of the European part of Russia on the basis of comprehensive assessment results; these forms have the ability to be propagated using rhizomatous cuttings and partial bushes and differ in terms of berry ripening and some other characteristics. The indicators of fruiting (yield, average berry weight) of selected forms in the conditions of the Kostroma region are given for 3 years of observation. Four hybrid forms were registered as the first cultivars of V. angustifolium in Russia (Neya, Nerl, Lakomka, Pomorochka) in 2022—2023. The created cultivars and hybrids are characterized by high winter hardiness, good yield, large size of fruits and a number of other positive features. The yield of V. angustifolium cultivars and hybrids obtained from Northblue was 1.5—3.1 kg/bush with an average berry weight of 1.2—1.6 g. The yield of cultivars and hybrids obtained from Putte was 3.2—6.4 kg/bush with an average berry weight of 1.0—1.3 g.
1.Gorbunov, A.B., & Snakina T.I. (2014). Strawberry. Raspberries. Walnut and rare crops: Blueberries. In E.N. Sedov & L.A. Gruner (Eds.),Pomology (Vol. 5, pp 288-299). VNIISPK. EDN: ZACPEN (In Russian).
2.Makarov, S.S. (2022). Scientific and methodological substantiation of the technology of reproduction and plantation cultivation of forest berry plants (Agri. Sci. Doc. Thesis). Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov. (In Russian).
3.Makarov, S.S., Upadyshev, M.T., Khamitov, R.S., Antonov, A.M., Kulikova, E.I., & Kuznetsova, I.B. (2023). Prospects for Industrial Cultivation and Biotechnological Methods of Reproduction of Forest Berry Plants. Kolos-S. (In Russian).
4.Makeev, V.A., Makeeva, G.Yu., & Mozuleva, S.A. (2005). Experience of Introduction of Narrow-leaved Blueberry and Its Hybrids in the Kostroma Region. In Proceedings of the 57th Scientific and Technical Conference "Students and Young scientists of KSTU for Production". Kostroma State Technological University. (In Russian).
5.Makeev, V.A., Makeev, G.Yu., & Makarov, S.S. (2021). Results of tests of half-tall northblue blueberry in the Kostroma region. In Proceedings of the 70th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Science in the Agro-industrial Complex". Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. EDN: HAISLH(In Russian, English abstract).
6.Makeev, V.A., Tyak, G.V., & Makeeva, G.Yu. (2017). Experience of Narrow-leaved Blueberry Cultivation on Depleted Peatlands of the Kostroma Region. Forestry Information, 2, 91-102. EDN: YLSNXN (In Russian, English abstract).
7.FSBI "Gossortcommission" (2008). Guidelines for the conduct îf tests for distinctness, homogeneity and stability. High blueberry and bilberry. Official Bulletin, 6, 470-480.
8.Morozov, O.V., Gordey, D.V., Sautkin, F.V., Buga, S.V., & Yarmolovich, V.A. (2016). Cultivation of Narrow-leaved Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) in the Belarusian Lakeland. Belarusian State Technological University. EDN: VXGWGX(In Russian).
9.Tyurina, M. M., & Gogoleva, G. A. (1978). Accelerated assessment of frost resistance of fruit and berry plants. Methodological recommendations. Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture of Non-chernozem zone. (In Russian).
10.Tyak, G.V., & Altukhova, S.A. (2005). Some Results and Prospects for the Introduction of Blueberry in the Kostroma Region. In Proceedings of the IV International Symposium "New and Non-traditional Plants and Prospects for Its Use" (Vol. 1). Peoples Friendship University of Russia. (In Russian, English abstract).
11.Tyak, G.V., Makarov, S.S., & Tyak, A.V. (2019). Reproduction and cultivation of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). In Proceedings of the 70th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Science in the Agro-industrial Complex" (Vol. 1). Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. EDN: NKSXOW (In Russian, English abstract).
12.Tyak, G.V., & Tyak, A.V. (2015). Selection of profitable forms of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustiofolium Ait) for cultivation on cutover peatlands. In Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops (pp. 209-211). Orel: VNIISPK. (In Russian, English abstract).. EDN: UQECNT( In Russian, English abstract).
13.Cherkasov, A.F., Gorbunov, A.B., Tyak, G.V., Makeev, V.A., & Levgerova, N.S. (1999). Cranberries, cowberries and blueberries. In E.N. Sedov & T.P. Ogoltsova (Eds.), Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops (pp. 481-492). VNIISPK. EDN: YHAPRV (In Russian).
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Nebroy, K.Y. (2023). Modern directions in black currant breeding research and possible ways of their implementation. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 15-30. The article gives a brief overview of the current level of black currant varietal renewal. The Russian scientists made a significant contribution to the improvement of the crop assortment, thanks to whose works the domestic cultivars are almost completely represented in the State Register. When studying inbred and clonal families using heterosis breeding methods, the scientists of the All-Russian Lupine Research Institute created large-fruited cultivars Izyumnaya, Selechenskaya 2, Dar Smolyaninova and others, which have high commodity and consumer qualities of fruits,. Crossings carried out by the breeders of the FSBSI "I.V. Michurin FSC", using the European and Siberian subspecies of black currants, Ribes dikuscha (Golubka, Pamyat Michurina, etc.), made it possible to create bud mite-resistant, high-vitamin cultivars Otbornaya, Rossiyanka and Smuglyanka. Invaluable contribution to the improvement of black currant cultivars has been made by the researchers of VNIISPK. As a result of targeted research, 15 black currant cultivars resistant to powdery mildew and white pine blister rust have been created and submitted to the State Variety Testing since 1991. Black berry breeding is also carried out by scientists from the Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station, where the basis of the crop assortment of the vast region of northern horticulture has been created, and such cultivars as Napev Uralsky, Voevoda, Fortuna, Shaman, etc., have become the visiting card of the Institution. An important contribution to the breeding of black currant was made by the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after M. A. Lisavenko, Department of the Federal Altai Scientific Centre for Agrobiotechnologies, where such popular cultivars as Rita, Sokrovishche, Sharovidnaya, Yadrennaya, etc. were created. Scientists of the FSBSO «Federal Horticultural Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery» have been working with the crop for many years, thanks to whom, ten cultivars of black currants from the Kokinsky stronghold of the FSBSO ARHCBAN: Gamayun, Strelets, Vera and others have been included in the State Register since 2011 and new promising cultivars Favorit and Kaskad have been transferred to the State Test.
1.Akulenko, E.G., Kanshina, M.V., & Yagovenko, G.L. (2020). Results and outlooks of black currants breeding in the all-Russian Lupin scientific research institute. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 63(1), 11-15. EDN IRMIYI (In Russian, English abstract).
2.Tridge (2022). Currant: production volumes and main producing countries. Analytical and Statistical Platform “Tridge”. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from: (accessed 11.01.2023). (In Russian).
3.Bakhotskaya, A.Yu., & Knyazev, S.D. (2020). The study of introduced varieties of the blackcurrant all-Russian research institute of fruit crop breeding collection for resistance to biotic factors. Bulletin of Russian Agricultural Science, 3, 22-25. DOI: 10.30850/vrsn/2020/3/22-25.EDN BXMEQG (In Russian, English abstract).
4.Golyaeva, O.D., Kurashev, O.V., Knyazev, S.D., & Bakhotskaya, A.Yu. (2020). New varieties of currants and gooseberry breeding plants. Bulletin of Russian Agricultural Science, 4, 41-46. DOI:10.30850/vrsn/2020/4/41-46. EDN TCFTSW(In Russian, English abstract).
5.Dubrovskii, M.L. (2012). Improvement of methods of obtaining polyploidy currants and their economic and biological characteristics(Agri. Sci. Cand. Thesis). Michurinsk, Russia. EDN QIBRYD(In Russian).
6.Evdokimenko, S.N., Sazonov, F.F., Andronova, N.V., Kozak, N.V., Imamkulova, Z.A., & Podgaetsky, M.A. (2022). Berry crops: biological characteristics, assortment and cultivation technology: monograph. Moscow: FSBSO ARHCBAN. (in Russian).
7.Zhbanova, E.V., Zhidekhina, T.V., Akimov, M.Yu., Rodyukova, O.S., Khromov, N.V., & Gurieva, I.V. (2021). The fruits varieties of berry-like and nontraditional horticultural crops grown in Black Soil zone are the valuable sources of indispensable micronutrients. Food processing industry, 3, 8-11. EDN MSMVBZ. (In Russian, English abstract).
8.Zhidehina, T.V. (2018). Biological and economic productivity of black currant varieties in Chernozem region. In Modern trends in sustainable development of berry growing in Russia (currants, gooseberries): Collection of scientific works, dedicated to the 110th anniversary since the birth of Dr. Agr. Sci.., Honored Scientist of the RSFSR K.D. Sergeeva (pp 62-86). Kvarta. EDN VXYNKI. (In Russian).
9.Zhidekhina, T.V. (2009). Creation of high-yield black currant varieties with complex resistance to diseases. In Innovative technologies of production, storage and processing of fruits and berries: Materials of scientific-practical conference 4th All-Russian exhibition "Day of the Gardener-2009" (pp. 58-65). Proletarskiy Svetoch. EDN JUSQRI. (In Russian).
10.Zhidehina, T.V., & Gurieva, I.V. (2020). Realization of productivity potential in Michurin varieties of black currant in unstable conditions 2020. In Modern state of horticulture of Russian Federation, industry problems and their solutions: Materials of scientific-practical conference in the 15th All-Russian exhibition "Day of the Gardener-2020". (ðð. 21-27). EDN AOCOUN. (In Russian).
11.Zhidekhina, T.V., & Gurieva, I.V. (2020). Development of Sphaerotheca resistant black currant hybrid collection with the use of varietal samples of Oryol selection. Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops, 7(1-2), 73-79. EDN JPEEPQ. (In Russian English abstract).
12.Zhidekhina, T.V., Rodiukova, O.S., & Lamonov, V.V. (2011). Selection of black currants for resistance to powdery mildew and bud mite. Kvarta. EDN QLCGZT. (In Russian).
13.Zazulin, A.G., Frolova, L.V., & Platonova, A.R. (2019). Assessment of black currant varieties as the parent material for breeding. Fruit Growing, 31, 126-133. EDN NFCIKP. (In Russian, English abstract)
14.Kantor, T.S. (1972). To the problem of sterility of blackcurrant and gooseberry hybrids. In Cultivation of black currants in the USSR (pp. 448-455). Kolos. (In Russian).
15.Knyazev, S.D., Pikunova, A.V., Bakhotskaya, A.Yu. Chekalin, E.I, & Shavyrkina, M.A. (2014). Innovational directions in black currant breeding. Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops, 1, (ðð.192-211). VNIISPK. EDN UQEZEP. (In Russian, English abstract).
16.Knyazev, S.D., Levgerova, N.S., Makarkina, M.A., Pikunova, A.V., Salina, E.S., Chekalin, E.I., & Shavyrkina, M.A. (2016). Black currant breeding: methods, achievements, directions. VNIISPK. EDN VWPJYB. (in Russian).
17.Knyazev, S.D., Keldibekova, M.A., & Tovarnitskaya, M.V. (2017). Advances and prospects of black currant breeding at VNIISPK. Contemporary horticulture, 3, 20-25. EDN XQHSTJ. (In Russian, English abstract).
18.Knyazev, S.D., Tovarnitskaya, M.V., & Keldibekova, M.A. (2017). A new generation of black currant for ecologically safe technologies. Agrarian science, 3, 7-10. EDN YIAKCP. (In Russian, English abstract).
19.Kulikov, I.M., Evdokimenko, S.N., Tumaeva, T.A., Kelina, A.V., Sazonov, F.F., Andronova, N.V., & Podgaetsky, M.A. (2021). Scientific support of small fruit growing in Russia and prospects for its development. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 25(4), (ðð. 414-419). EDN ASGGAN. (In Russian, English abstract).
20.Nazaryuk, N.I. (2021). Some results of the work on the selection of black currant in the conditions of the Altai territory. In Agroecological aspects of sustainable development of agriculture: Proc. Sci. Conf. (pp. 142-147). Bryansk State Agrarian University. EDN NENZYQ. (In Russian, English abstract).
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25.Sazonov, F.F. (2022). Evaluation of introduced blackcurrant varieties for production and breeding. Horticulture and viticulture, 4, 16-26. EDN NISRYU. (In Russian, English abstract).
26.Sazonov, F.F. (2018). Black currant breeding in the southwestern part of the Non-Black Earth zone of Russia. Ìonograph. FSBSO ARHCBAN. EDN VJMDEK. (In Russian).
27.Sazonov, F.F. (2019). Creation of black currant original material for the following stages of breeding. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 58, 279-288. EDN KRQUUM. (In Russian).
28.Sazonov, F.F. (2021). Forming of domestic blackcurrant stock in Non-Chernozem region of Russia. Horticulture and viticulture, 1, 23-31. EDN TMMSXA. (In Russian, English abstract).
29.Sazonov F.F. (2022). Breeding evaluation of black currant on the basis of shrub habitus. Siberian Herald of Agricultural Science, 52(3), 35-45. EDN MDSCTW. (In Russian).
30.Sazonov, F.F. (2023). Manifestation of multiple racemes trait of black currant. Siberian Herald of Agricultural Science, 53(4), 23-33. EDN XLESBU. (In Russian).
31.Sazonova, I.D. (2017). Evaluation of new varieties of black currants from of the Kokino Base Station of, ARHIBAN for technical processing. In Agrarian science in the conditions of modernization and innnovation development: Proc. Sci. Conf. (Vol. 1, pp. 175-180). FSBEIHE Ivanovo SAA. EDN YQUVRL. (In Russian).
32.Sankin, L.S. (1990). Selection of currant- gooseberry hybrids in Altai. State and prospects of development of berry breeding in the USSR (pp. 60-63). VNIIS. (In Russian).
33.Stazaeva, N.V. (2015). Improvement of technology and agroecological justification of black currant cultivation in intensive horticulture. Voronezh State Agrarian University. EDN UWDPOZ. (In Russian).
34.Timusheva, O.K., & Ryabinina, M.L. (2011). Introduction results: fruit and berry plants. Bulletin of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of RAS, (6), 33-44. EDN VRTWAZ. (In Russian).
35.Tikhonova, O.A., Gavrilova, O.A., & Pupkova, N.A. (2015). Morpho-biological features of black currant - gooseberry hybrids in the North- West of Russia. Contemporary horticulture, 4, 42-60. EDN VBPWZP. (In Russian, English abstract).
36.Utkov, Y.A. (2015). Ways to enhance the quality and efficiency of combine harvesting on the industrial plantations of currant. Horticulture and viticulture, 4, 40-44. EDN UEAYAL. (In Russian, English abstract)
37.Fogel, I.Yu. (1993) Biological features, productivity and reproduction of Yoshta in conditions of Transcarpathia: (Agri. Sci. Cand. Thesis). Samokhvalovichi. EDN ZLPWNX. (In Russian).
38.Chebotok, E.M. (2022). Results of environmental test of Pilot black currant variety. Vestnik of Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy, 4, 91-95. EDN RPMRTN. (In Russian, English abstract).
40.Brennan, R., Jorgensen, L., Gordon, S., Lowads, K., Hackett, K., & Russell, J. (2009). Development of a PCR-based marker associated with resistance to the blackcurrant gall mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Acari: Eriophyidae). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 118, 205-211.
Gorlanov, S.V.; & Makarenko, S.A. (2023). Winter hardiness of apple cultivars in the conditions of the eastern Orenburg region. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 31-39. The Orenburg region is rich in climatic resources of the growing season, which makes it possible to grow fruit crops in an industrial culture. The limiting factor is the sharply continental conditions of the winter period with a possible drop in air temperature below - 40 °C and daily air temperature fluctuations in February-March causing sunburn. The results of studying the influence of the climate of autumn-winter periods on the winter hardiness of apple trees in the conditions of the Eastern Orenburg region are presented for the period 2016—2021. For the first time, the degree of freezing of trees and damage to the bark by sunburn of 15 apple cultivars in winter in the intensive orchard of the Eastern Orenburg region was assessed. The studies were carried out in perennial plantations of IP Gorlanov S.V. in Orsk, Orenburg region. Seven apple cultivars of the Ural breeding, 6 cultivars of the Central European breeding, 1 cultivar of the European breeding and 1 Canadian cultivar planted in the period 2014—2015 were studied. In the course of the research, the degree of freezing of apple trees was assessed by comparative analysis depending on the climate of winter periods. According to the results of the study, the negative impact of a sharp decrease in air temperature was observed at the beginning of the winter period on the preparation and degree of freezing of apple trees of various ecological and geographical origins. In the winter period of 2016/17, Brusnichnoye had damage to trees up to 2.0 points at the level of the controls Persianka and Isetskoye Pozdnee. Aksena, Blagaya Vest, Zaryanka, Iyulskoye Chernenko, Krasa Sverdlovska, Kuibyshevskoye, Martovskoye, Nastenka, Osennee Aloye, Pamyat Voinu and Rassvet Isetsky had the average damage of 3.0—3.5 points. Ligol and Honey Crisp received irreversible damage. Increased insolation during winter periods causes damage to the bark of Ligol and Honey Crisp up to 4.0 points.
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Muratova, S.A., & Subbotina, N.S. (2023). In vitro root formation of two Viburnum opulus cultivars. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 40-49. The article presents the study results of the of auxins effect on in vitro root formation efficiency of Viburnum opulus L. Perspective cultivars Granatovy Braslet and Krasny Coral were studied. Rhizogenesis media on the base of diluted culture medium Murashige-Skoog supplemented with the various concentration of two growth regulators of auxin nature (IBA and IAA) were tested. Data of morphological parameters such as average plant length (cm), average root length (cm) and average root number per plant at in vitro root formation stage is given. Effective concentrations and type of auxin for each genotype were determined. The MSr medium containing 20 g/l sucrose with 0.5—1.0 mg/l IBA was optimal at the stage of rhizogenesis of Granatovy Braslet. The frequency of rooting was 58.5—65.0 %. The maximum frequency of rhizogenesis (100 %) of Krasny Coral was obtained on the rooting medium with 0.25 mg/l IBA, but the maximum number of roots per rooted cutting of this cultivar was obtained in the medium with 0.25 mg/l IAA.
1.Abramchuk, A.V., & Karpukhin, M.Yu. (2019). The kalina in landscape construction. Bulletin of Biotechnology, 4, 16. EDN LDSIWH. (In Russian).
2.Vinnitskaya, V.F., & Popova, E.I. (2013). New functional food produced from arrow-wood. Bulletin of Michurinsk State Agrarian University, 2, 66-71. EDN RRQJMN. (In Russian, English abstract).
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4.Krakhmaleva, I.L., & Molkanova, O.I. (2020). Peculiarities of in vitro propagation of gooseberry varieties. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 62, 105-114. EDN GJGGVV. (In Russian, English abstract).
5.Krinitsina, A.A., & Churikova, O.A. (2018). Influence of different exogenous auxins on initiation and development of adventitious roots of two lilac varieties in vitro. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia. 54, 93-96. EDN XYUSLZ. (In Russian, English abstract).
6.Milyukova, E.F., Borisov, M.Yu., Makridi, N.V., Sakhonenko, A.N., & Sorokopudov, V.N. (2021). Viburnum opulus L.: biological and economic value. Bulletin of Landscape Architecture, 28, 39-42. EDN ZUJDBT. (In Russian).
7.Ostapchuk, I.N., & Kukharchyk, N.V. (2018). In vitro root formation of Japanese quince. Fruit Growing, 30,148-152. EDN COGYBC. (In Russian, English abstract).
8.Pavlenko, N.V., & Kozonova, Z.G. (2021). Useful properties of viburnum. Trends in the development of science and education, 73(2), 52-54. EDN DLYHJD. (In Russian).
9.Popova, E.I. (2017). Innovative technology of fruit snacks production from european cranberrybush for functional nutrition. Bulletin of Michurinsk State Agrarian University, 3, 122-126. EDN ZOFLNV. (In Russian, English abstract).
10.Subbotina, N.S., Khoroshkova, Yu.V., & Muratova, S.A. (2018). Influence of auxins on rizogenezis of blackberry ñultivars Dirksen Tornless and Black Satin in culture in vitro. In Scientific innovations for agricultural production: materials of the International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Omsk State Agrarian University (pp. 933-938). Omsk State Agrarian University. EDN UOGGFB. (In Russian).
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12.Khoroshkova, Yu., Trunov, I., & Melekhov, I. (2020). The application of auxins in the nutritional medium at the stage of rhysogenesis of microshoots berry and ornamental crops. Bulletin of Michurinsk State Agrarian University, 4, 83-91. EDN PIWJGU. (In Russian, English abstract).
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17.Raeva-Bogoslovskaya, E.N., Molkanova, O.I., & Kryuchkova, V.A. (2021). Some aspects of clonal micropropagation of Amelanchier Medik. genus representatives. E3S Web of Conferences, 254, 04005. EDN GHQCYE
Nevostrueva, E.Yu. (2023). The study of compact forms of raspberries in arid conditions of the growing season in the Middle Urals. Contemporary horticulture, 1, 50-57. Raspberries are one of the popular crops, the berries of which are widely in demand. And the demand for berry products is growing every year, while the cultivation of raspberries is a rather laborious process. Therefore, to meet consumer demand, it is necessary to grow high-yielding cultivars. One way to increase the yield of raspberries is to create cultivars with compact shoots that have shortened internodes and an increased number of laterals on them. This type includes 4 selected seedlings isolated from the family 5-45-07 × Antares and populations from the open pollination of the form 5-45-07. The compactness index of these seedlings is in the range of 2.2—3.8. In the control Vysokaya, which has non-compact shoots, this indicator is 6.5. Along with compactness, the selected seedlings have an increased number of laterals per shoot (13—19 pcs.) and are large-fruited (the average berry weight is 3.8—4.1 g). Seedlings 3-61-15 and 4-61-15 excel in productivity (55.0—79.4 c/ha), in comparison with the control Vysokaya. In dry conditions of the growing seasons of 2021 and 2022 all selected seedlings were distinguished by large size of fruits (2.3—2.8 g, in the control – 1.3 g), and seedlings 3-61-15 and 4-61-15 were characterized by higher yield (16.9—25.6 c/ha, in the control – 10.9 c / ha). In drought season 2022, seedlings 62-15 and 2-61-15 turned out to be without damage from the influence of high air temperatures and lack of precipitation. Seedlings 3-61-15 and 4-61-15 suffered from this drought much less compared to the control – 9.1—13.6% of dried shoots and 13.3—24.3% of berries on the bush. According to the results of the assessment, the selected compact seedlings are planned to be involved in breeding work as sources of drought resistance and complex sources of economically valuable traits.
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