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Atroshchenko G.P., Scherbakova G.V., Koshman M.E. (2016): Economic and biological evaluation of varieties of blueberries in the Leningrad region. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 1-7. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: The article presents the results of the economic and biological evaluation of 11 varieties of blueberries in the Leningrad region. Phenological characteristics of the varieties have been studied, the varieties have been divided into groups on berry ripening dates, winter hardiness has been defined. Ranking on parameters of vegetative sphere development, productivity and quality of fruits has been done. Varieties River, Northland, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Spartan, Denise Blue and Herbert have been singled out according to winter hardiness, parameters of the development of vegetative sphere, ability to form a first crop in age of 4 years, quality indices of berries. These varieties are of practical value to horticulture of the Leningrad region.
1.Gorbunov A. B. (2014): Blueberries, Pomology, vol. 5. Orel, VNIISPK: 288-292. (In Russian).
3.Kurlovich T. V. (2014): Blueberry fruits: biological characteristics and medicinal properties. In: Proc. 4-th Int. Sci. Conf. Medicinal Herbs: from Past Experience to New Technoligies. Poltava: 122-125. (In Russian, English abstract).
4.Cherkasov A.F., Gorbunov A.B., Tyak G.V., Makeev V.A., Levgerova N.S. (1999): Cranberry, cowberry and blueberry. In: Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (eds.) Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 481-492. (In Russian).
5.Rupasova J.A., Reshetnikov V.N., Ruban N.N. (2007): Blueberry fruits: assessing adaptive capacity at introduction in Belarus. Minsk, Belorusskaya Nauka. (In Russian).
Vasilieva N.A. (2016): ‘Sibirski yantar’ is a new sea buckthorn variety for Western and Eastern Siberia. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 8-11. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: Sea buckthorn is used for food, medicinal and other purposes. Fruits of sea buckthorn has a rich set of components with various types of physiological activity. Thanks to winter hardiness, content of polyvitamins, high nutritional and technological qualities of fruit sea buckthorn is a leading culture of Transbaikalia. Out-of-region sea buckthorn varieties freeze slightly in severe winters and are low productive. The demand for the fruit needed to supply and manufacture medicines, is growing every year. In sea buckthorn breeding it is necessary to create high-yielding winter-hardy varieties.
1.Panteleeva E.I. (1995): Sea buckthorn breeding. In: Sedov E.N. (ed.), Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding. Orel, VNIISPK: 417-424. (In Russian).
2.Shiripnimbueva B.Ts., Miahanova N.T., Budaeva N.A. (2014): Intensive sea buckthorn varieties of Buryat breeding. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 3: 60-64. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at:
3.Shiripnimbueva B.Ts., Arbakov K.A., Guseva N.K., et al. (2010): Sea Buckthorn. In: Horticulture in Buryatia. Ulan-Ude, Buryat State Agricultural Academy: 221-271. (In Russian)
Gorbunov A.B. (2016): Foliar fertilizing of vaccinioideae in the South of Western Siberia.Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 12-18. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at:
On the basis of a multi-year research of foliar nutrition of 155 samples of 5 species and 4 interspecific and intergeneric hybrids of Vaccinioideae found that foliar feeding with liquid complex fertilizer Bona Forte, "For all indoor plants", series Beauty is the most effective and economical method of accelerating the growth processes of plants to improve their decorative effect and increase yield in the South of Western Siberia.
1.Pavlovski N.B., Ruban N.N. (2000): Varietal cowberry in Belarusian Polesie. Minsk, Technalogia. (In Russian).
2.Yakovlev A.P., Rupasova Zh.A., Volchkov V.E. (2002): The cultivation of large cranberries and bog blueberry on peatlands of the North of Belarus: optimization of mineral nutrition. Minsk, Tonpik. (In Russian).
3.Rupasova Zh.A., Reshetnikov V.N., Ruban N.N., Ignatenko V.A., Yakovlev A.P., Pyatnitsa F.S. (2007): Highbush blueberry: assessment of adaptive capacity in the introduction in the conditions of Belarus. Minsk, Belorussian Science. (In Russian).
4.Bordok I.V. (2000): Ecological and agrotechnical features of cultivation of small cranberry (Oxycoccus palustris Pers.) and large cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pers.) on peatlands of Belarus. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Gomel, Institute of Forest. (In Russian).
5.Volchkov V.E. (2008): Berry productivity of whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) in the experiments with application of foliar fertilizing. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Theoretical and applied aspects of rational use and reproduction of non-timber forest products. Gomel, Institute of Forest, 214-219. (In Russian).
6.Anon, (2013): Kristalon for fertilizing blueberry. Available at: [Accessed March 30, 2016].
Gruner L.A., Kuleshova O.V. (2016): The results of blackberry wintering in conditions of Orel region under winter covering with Agrotex material. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 19-23. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at:
After winters 2014…2015 and 2015…2016 with minimal temperatures -24,5 è -29,3°Ñ in January, respectively, the degrees of cane freezing of erect, trailing and semi-erect blackberries were evaluated. In October the blackberry plants were covered with one layer of synthetic material Agrotex of 60 g/m2 density. A part of plants were left without covering. The cover was put off in early April. Four cultivars (Agawam, Erie, Thornfree, Texas) and selections of blackberry (open pollination seedlings from cultivars Black Satin, Cheyenne, Loch Ness and hybrid Thornfree×R. caucasicus) were studied. The analysis of the results showed that under covering all studied genotypes passed the winter well and without any damages of the most productive part of canes. Among the plants left without covering, trailing plants were frozen severely in both winters; erect and semi-erect blackberries demonstrated a good winter hardiness.
1.Agroclimatic reference book for Orel region (1960): Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat: 6-10. (In Russian).
2.Gruner L.A. (1992): Biology features and economic value blackberry cultivars and selections in conditions of the North Caucasus. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Saint Petersburg, N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Recourses (VIR). (In Russian).
3.Gruner L.A., Kuleshova O.V. (2015): Research directions and prospects of blackberry cultivation in conditions of Orel region. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 3: 10-16. Available at: (In Russian, English abstract)
4.Evdokimenko S.N., Kulagina V.L. (2015): Evaluation of blackberry varieties and raspberry-blackberry hybrids in conditions of the Bryansk region. Horticulture and viticulture, 4: 20-23. (In Russian, English abstract).
5.Kazakov I.V., Kichina V.V., Gruner L.A. (1999): Raspberries, blackberries and their hybrids. In: Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (eds.) Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 383-385. (In Russian).
6.Krasova N.G., Ozherelieva Z.E., Golyshkina L.V., Makarkina M.A., Galasheva A.M. (2014): Winter hardiness of apple cultivars. Orel, VNIISPK. (In Russian).
7.Yakimov V.V. (2010): Blackberry in Russia. Chelyabinsk, NPO «Sad i ogorod». (In Russian).
8.Strik B.C., Finn C.E., Clark J.R., Pilar Banados M. (2008): Worldwide Production of Blackberries. Acta Hortic., 777: 209-218. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.777.31.
Dzhafarova V.E. (2016): The posibility of multiplication of the meristematic tissues of apple variety ‘Bolotovskoye’ in respect of matters of polyploidy. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 24-29. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: Proliferation stage features of apple variety ‘Bolotovskoye’ in vitro are shown. The ‘Bolotovskoye’ variety is absolutely resistant to scab (Vf). The influence of Murasige-Skuga (MS) and I.M.Fardzinova (F) media on the coefficient of the variety propagation is shown. It has been determined that conglomerates are better developed on the F medium in its different modifications. Anyway during the fourth replanting, the F-4 medium gives the propagation coefficient equal to 7. It was found that the qualitative index of buds prevailed over the shoots irrespective of the F medium modification. The use of the F-4 medium made it possible to increase the micropropagation stage of ‘Bolotovskoye’ by 2.7 times under the average propagation coefficient 5.3. It is better to use the F-4 medium in order to obtain the maximal number of meristems suitable for treatment with colchicine. It is advisable to include this medium in the technology of microclonal apple propagation of the ‘Bolotovskoye’ variety.
1.Bartish I.V., Korkhovoy V.I., Merkulov S.M., Kopan V.P. (1994): Optimization of micropropagation for different scions and rootstocks of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Physiology and biochemistry of cultivated plants, 26: 587-594. (In Russian).
2.Vartapetyan V.V., Koshechkova T.V. (1985): Vitamin C content inheritance in fruit when crossing apple cultivars of different ploidy. In: Apple breeding for fruit quality improvement. Orel, VNIISPK: 186-190. (In Russian).
3.Dzhafarova V.E. (2007): Features of microclonal development of apple cultivars having Vf gene in connection with polyploidy questions. In: Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 80-85. (In Russian).
4.Dubrovskiy M.L., Lyzhin A.S., Van-Unkan N.Yu. (2013): Development and selection of fruit and berry genotypes with changed polyploidy level (Method). Michurinsk, VNIIGiSPR. (In Russian).
5.Isaev S.I., Domrachyeva I.I. (1981): Polyploidy use in apple breeding. In: Apple breeding in the USSR. Orel, VNIISPK: 179-185. (In Russian).
6.Kalinin F.L., Sarnatskaya V.V., Polishchuk V.E. (1980): Methods of tissue culture in physiology and biochemistry. Kiev, Naukova dumka. (In Russian).
7.Leontev-Orlov O.A., Trushechkin V.G., Vysotskiy V.A. (1988): Features of cultivation of izolated apple apexes in vitro. In: Fruit-growing in the Nechernozem zone. Moscow, Scientific-Research Institute of Non-chernozem zone the strip gardening: 21-30. (In Russian)
8.Lozitskiy, A.Ya. (1970): The biological and economic characteristic of polyploidy apple and pear varieties [boil. sci. cand. thesis]. N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Recourses (VIR), Leningrad. (In Russian).
9.Matushkina O.V., Pronina I.N. (2008): Technology of clonal apple and pear micropropagation (methodical recommendations). Michurinsk, VSTISP. (In Russian).
10.Ponomarenko V.V. (1985): Polyploidy of Malus Mile species. In: Apple breeding for fruit quality improvement. Orel, VASKhNIL: 163-168. (In Russian).
11.Sedov E.N., Sedysheva G.A., Serova Z.M., Uliyanovskaya E.V. (2013): Creating triploid varieties opens the new era in apple tree breeding. Herald of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2: 33-37. (In Russian).
12.Sedysheva G.A., Sedov E.N. (1996): The assessment of polyploidy apples as initial material for triploid progeny obtaining. In: Problems of the initial material assessment and selection of parent pairs in fruit plant breeding. Michurinsk, VNIIS: 18-22. (In Russian).
13.Sedysheva G.A., Sedov E.N. (2003): The efficiency of polyploidy use in the development of adaptive apple varieties. In: A role of varieties and new technologies in the intensive horticulture. Orel, VNIISPK: 323-325. (In Russian).
14.Tuz A.S., Lozitskiy A.A. (1973): Polyploidy in apple and pear. In: Cytological methods in fruit and berry breeding. Moscow, Kolos: 106-109. (In Russian).
15.Turovskaya N.I. (1988): Apple and pear microprpagation in vitro. Horticulture and viticulture, 1: 10. (In Russian).
16.Fardzinova I.M. (1999): Nutrient media for microclonal pear propagation. RF patent, ¹2141524, 20 November 1999. (In Russian).
17.Murashige T., Skoog F. (1962): A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia plantarum, 15(13): 473-497.
18.Zimmerman R.H. (1984): Apple. In: Handbook of plant cell culture, New York, MacMillan Publishing Co, 2: 369-395].
Kuleshova O.V., Gruner L.A. (2016): The effect of TUR (CCC) retardants on the intensity and duration of blackberry cane growth in conditions of Orel region.Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 30-34. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: The effect of TUR (CCC) retardant on growing processes of erect (‘Erie’), trailing (‘Thornfree’) and semi-erect (seedling of ‘Black Satin’) blackberries was studied in conditions of Orel region. The plants were treated with 0.1% solution of the preparation during the period of active growth of shoots. The length of canes was measured during vegetation by two variants – control – without treatment and experimental – with thrice-repeated retardant treatment. As a result, it was stated that TUR Retardant (chlorcholinchloride) reduces the increments in the representatives of all three morphological groups, especially in trailing blackberries with actively growing canes. Retardant treatment of blackberry plants in given concentration did not influence on the dates of cane growth completing in studied genotypes irrespective of a growth type.
1.Agafonov N.V., Blinovskiy V.K. (1974): The results of five-year studies on TUR preparation application in the intensive fruit-growing. Doklady TSKHA[TSKhA reports, 201: 5-12. (In Russian).
2.Agafonov N.V., Kazakova V.N. (1984): Chlorcholinechloride aplication on fruit crops with thaw aim of regulation of growth, shoot formation and yield increase. Agricultural Biology, 10: 48-54. (In Russian).
4.Gruner L. A., Kuleshova O. V. (2014): Vegetation length and dynamics of blackberry shoot growth in conditions of Orel region. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 42-49. Available at: (In Russian, English abstract).
5.Kazakov I.V., Kichina V.V., Gruner L.A. (1999): Raspberries, blackberries and their hybrids. In: Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (eds.) Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 383-385. (in Russian).
6.Radzhabov A.K. (2000): Formation of grape productivity and quality: agrotechnical, varietal and ecological features. [Agri. Sci. Doc. Thesis]. Moscow, Ya.N. Potapenko All-Russia Research and Development Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking. (In Russian).
7.Khaustovich I.P. (1984): Retardant effect on growth and fruit-bearing of apple trees in the Central Chernozem zone. [Agri. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Michurinsk, I.V. Michurin horticultural institute. (In Russian).
8. Finn C.E., Strik B.C. (2014): Blackberry Cultivars for Oregon. Available at
Ozherelieva Z.E., Krasova N.G., Galasheva A.M. (2016): Frost hardiness of apple on dwarf rootstocks.Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 35-41. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: Studies were conducted in the laboratory of fruit plant resistance physiology at the FSBSI All Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding, Orel, Russia. Summer apple cultivars ‘Yablochny Spas’ (3x, Vr) and ‘Orlinka’ (2x) were studied. Dwarf forms 62-396 (clonal) and 62-396, 3-17-38 (intercalary) were studied as rootstocks. The orchard was planted in 2011. The planting space was 5×2 m. The goal of the studies was to estimate the frost hardiness of dwarf apple cultivars on clone and intercalary rootstocks by means of the artificial freezing. As a result of the artificial freezing the maximal frost hardiness was determined for apple cultivars on a dwarf rootstock and intercalary stocks with reverse damages of buds and tissues of one-year shoots. A weak response on the three-day thaw +2°C was revealed when the plants were in the exogenous dormancy. Relatively high ability to retain the hardened condition of buds, bark and wood of one-year shoots was noted in studied cultivar-rootstock combinations with significant differences in bud and bark damages relative to the cultivars.
1.Dospekhov B.A. (1985): Methods of the field experiment (on the base of statistical processing of investigation results). Agropromizdat, Moscow. (In Russian).
2.Krasavtsev O.A., Khvalin N.N. (1978): Frostresistance and frost killing of apple-wood parenchyma cells. Plant Physiology, 25(1): 5-11. (In Russian).
3.Krasova N.G., Ozherelieva Z.E., Galasheva A.M. (2007): Apple winter hardiness estimation in the dwarf orchard in the field and laboratory conditions. In: Breeding and variety propagation of orchard crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 104-110. (In Russian).
4.Ozherelieva Z.E., Krasova N.G., Galasheva A.M. (2013): Study of apple variety-rootstock combinations according to the winter hardiness components. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo - Contemporary Horticulture, 4: 1-10. Available at: (In Russian, English abstract).
5.Ozherelieva Z.E., Krasova N.G., Galasheva A.M. (2013): Frost resistance of apple in the middle of winter. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary Horticulture, 1: 1-7. Available at: (In Russian, English abstract).
6.Potapov V.A. (2000): Frost and winter hardy dwarf clone rootstocks of apple In: Proc. Sci. Conf. Fruit-growing at the boundary of XXI century. Minsk: 113-114. (In Russian).
7.Sedov E.N., Krasova N.G. (2000): Dwarf stocks as intercalation and new apple cultivars of VNIISPK breeding for intensive orchards. Orel, VNIISPK. (In Russian).
8.Solomatin N.M., Borzykh T.V., Denisova M.V. (2000): Study of the new forms clonal apple rootstocks on ability to rooting. Vestnik of Michurinsk State Agrarian University, 2: 20-22. (In Russian).
9.Tyurina M.M., Krasova N.G., Rezvyakova S.V., Saveliev N.I., Dzhigadlo E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (1999): Study of winter hardiness of fruit and berry cultivars under the field and laboratory conditions. In: Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (eds.). Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding. Orel, VNIISPK: 59-68. (In Russian).
10.Fazio G., Aldwinckle H.S., Robinson T.L. Wan Y. (2011): Implementation of molecular marker technologies in the apple rootstock breeding program in Geneva - challenges and successes. Acta Hortic., 903: 61-68 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2011.903.3
11.Evans K.M., Fernandez-Fernandez F., Govan C.L., Clarke J.B. Tobutt K.R. (2011): Development of a new apple rootstock framework map. Acta Hortic., 903: 69-74. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2011.903.4
12.Di Vaio C., Cirillo C., Buccheri M., Limongelli F. (2009): Effect of interstock (M.9 and M.27) on vegetative growth and yield of apple trees (cv “Annurca”). Scientia Horticulturae, 119(3): 270-274. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2008.08.019
13.Bulatovic-Danilovich M., Perry R. (1996): Klonske podloge za jabuku tipa M.9. Jugoslovenskovocarstvo,30(115-116): 209-216. (InSerbo-Croatian).
Panfilova O.V., Golyaeva O.D., Kalinina O.V. (2016): Currant adaptation to unfavorable factors of winter period (survey).Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 42-48. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: The survey of reports of home and foreign researchers for red currant winter hardiness is presented. Data of field and laboratory works for the period 1963…2014 have been summarized. The results of red currants observation on winter hardiness at the Institute are given. According to these results generative buds have lower winter hardiness; wood tissues are more resistant. The lower water holding ability of shoot tissues in winter period is shown. The coefficient of bound water to available water are defines of winter hardiness of currant.The maximum index of bound water to available water was in January. The red currants genotypes ‘Gollandskaya Krasnaya’, ‘Gazel’, ‘Roza’, are characterized by a high level of winter hardiness.
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3.Arsentev A.P. (2000): Black currant resistance to frosts and late spring frosts. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Moscow, All-Russia Selection-Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery. (In Russian).
4.Arsenieva T.V. (1992): Red currant biology peculiarities and breeding value in conditions of the North-West of Nechernozemie. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Saint Petersburg, N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Recourses (VIR). (In Russian).
5.Bayanova L.V. (1990): On winter hardiness of some wild forms of red currant. In: Varieties and technologies for a morden orchard. Tula, Priokskoe knizhnoe izdatelstvo: 70-75. (In Russian).
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8.Bayanova L.V., Sedova Z.A., Osipova Z.F. (1992): Results of red currant variety investigation. In: Breeding and variety cultivation of fruit and berry crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 123-135. (In Russian).
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12.Zhidehina T.V. (2008): Water-keeping ability of annual shoots of black currant in autumn and winter. In: Proc. Sci. Conf. Problems of agroecology and adaptivity of varieties in the contemporary fruit-growing of Russia. Orel, VNIISPK: 81-86. (In Russian).
13.Zatsepina I.V. (2009): Economic and biological estimation of red and black currant varieties in conditions of the Central-Chernozem region. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Michurinsk, Michurinsk State Agrarian University. (In Russian).
14.Korobkova T.S., Sabarajkina S.M., Sorokopudov V.N. (2008): Red currant in Yakutia (taxonomy, geography, variability, introduction). Belgorod, BelGU. (In Russian).
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18.Nenko N.I., Kiseleva G.K., Karavaeva A.V., Sergeev Yu.I., Skhalyakho T.V. (2010): Physiological and biochemical features of adaptation of apple varieties on SK3 rootstock in intensive plantations of different design. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Highly exact technologies of fruit and berry production and processing. North Caucasian Region Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, Krasnodar: 248-254. (In Russian).
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20.Ozherelieva Z.E., Panfilova O.V., Golyaeva O.D. (2012): Red currant winter hardiness study by means of artificial freezing. Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia, 34: 82-88. (In Russian, English abstract).
21.Ozherelieva Z.E., Golyaeva O.D. (2009): Resistance of red currant flowers and buds to late frosts. In: Breeding, genetics and variety agrotechnics of fruit crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 99-102. (In Russian).
22.Panfilova O.V., Golyaeva O.D. (2013): Evaluation of red currant resistance to winter-spring abiotic factors. In: Breeding, genetics and variety agrotechnics of fruit crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 111-117. (In Russian).
23.Panfilova O.V. (2014): The assessment of red currant adaptivity to abiotic factors in the North-West of the Central Chernozem Region. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Orel, Orel State Agrarian University. (In Russian).
24.Patsukova N.G. (2010): Biological features of Ribes Alpinum L. at introduction in Belgorod region. [Biol. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Belgorod, Belgorod State University. (In Russian).
25.Petrov A.V., Ozherelieva Z.E., Golyaeva O.D. Study of promissing red currant varieties following the components of winter hardiness in conditions of the Central region of RF. In: Proc. Sci. Conf. State and prospects of berry-growing development in Russia. Orel, VNIISPK: 231-237. (In Russian).
26.Rodyukova O.S. (2008): Study of adaptability and production potential of currant as an initial material for breeding and the assortment improvement. [Agr. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Michurinsk, Muchurinsk State Agrarian University. (In Russian).
27.Sabaraikina S.M. (2009): Ecological and biological aspects of some red currant representatives of Ribesia L. Subgenus in Yakut conditions [Biol. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Saratov, Saratov State University. (In Russian).
28.Semenova L.G., Bzhetseva N.R. (2003): Productivity peculiarities of red and black currant in conditions of Adigei. Maykop. (In Russian).
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30.Tokhtar L.A. (2011): Biological features of red currant Ribesia (Berl.) Jancz. at introduction in conditions of Belgorod regionþ [Biol. Sci. Cand. Thesis]. Belgorod, Belgorod State National Research University. (In Russian).
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33.Tyurina M.M. (2000): A mechanism of adaptation to damaging factors of a cold season in fruit and berry crops. In: Proc. Int. Sci. Conf. Biological potential of orchard plants and ways of its realization. Moscow. (In Russian).
Puchkin I.A., Moukhin V.N., Semeikina V.M. (2016): Influence of temperature during flowering on self-bearing of pear cultivars distributed in Altai region.Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 49-56. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: Strong influence of temperature factor (maximum, minimum temperatures, the range of meanings of average daily temperatures) during blossoming on self-fertility of pear cultivars, distributed in the Altai region, is proved and specificity of different cultivars on it as well. Temperature variations at the period of blossoming help this character to reveal to a great extent. In spite of significant variability in years, the cultivar Kupava is distinguished by high self-fertility, the average meanings of which are at control level (open pollination) and in some years exceed its indices. Due to this fact, it is possible to get the harvest even in the years with unfavourable conditions during blossoming. The variety can be used in breeding as a source of soil-fertility.
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Rodyukova O.S. (2016): Resistance to biological stressors and productivity of red currant varieties breeding Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK).Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 57-61. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at:
The results of studies of introduced red currant cultivars of Orel breeding in conditions of Tambov region are given. The resistance of cultivars to the most common pathogens was estimated: powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae (Schw.). Berk. et Curt.), septoriosis (Septoria ribis Desm.), anthracnose (Pseudopeziza ribis Kleb.) and pests: leaf gall aphids (Capitophorus ribis L). It is established that the investigated cvs. are resistant to Sphaerotheca mors-uvae and Septoria ribis. Cultivars immune to anthracnose were not detected. The intensity of disease development among the cultivars ranged from 1 (Roza) to 3 points (Valentinovka). Cultivars Vika, Gazelle, Jonker van Tets, Marmeladnytsa, Orlovskaya Zvezda and Roza showed the resistance to Pseudopeziza ribis. Leaf injury from Capitophorus ribis ranged from 0.4 to 2.1 points. Cultivars Dana and Niva showed susceptibility to the pest, other studied genotypes proved to be resistant. Valentinovka and Dana showed high endurance to biotic environmental factors.
Yield per bush varied from 2.1 (Niva) to 3.9 kg (Valentinovka, Dana), with a scale varying by year ranged from a 4.7 to 36.0%. Dana, Marmeladnytsa, Jonker van Tets were characterized by high average fruit weight (0.6 g). The maximum berry weight of these genotypes was 1.0…1.2 g.
As a result of the research it was found that all studied cvs. are suitable for cultivation in the conditions of the Tambov region. Bayana, Valentinovka, Vika, Gazelle, Dana and Orlovskaya Zvezda are characterized by a high potential for productivity.
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Roeva T.A., Leonicheva E.V., Leontieva L.I., Vetrova O.A. (2016): The effect of foliar fertilizers on the dynamics of some water regime indications of ‘Sinap orlovski’ apple.Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 62-72. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at:
In the field experiment with ‘Sinap Orlovski’ apple the effect of foliar fertilizing on water regime indications (water content in leaves and content of bound and available) was studied. Í3ÂÎ3 – 0.1%; Ê2SÎ4 – 0.3%; ÑàÑl2 – 1% were used for foliar fertilizing. Fertilizers were applied separately and in combinations with each other. A significant influence of foliar fertilizing on the fractional compsition of watre in leaves was revealed. This influence depended on meteorological conditions and yield load. In 2014 (contrasting meteorological conditions, high yield) the foliar treatments resulted in essential reduce of bound water and increase of available water. In 2015 (drought, low yield) an opposite effect was observed. The effect of Ê2SÎ4 + ÑàÑl2 treatmentwas more evident. In this variant during three summer months in 2015 the content of bound water was the highest in the experiment (50.94±3.17%), while the content of available water was the lowest (6.93±4.21%). The effect of foliar fertilizing on the water content on apple leaves was observed only in a highly yieldy year. In the experiments with pair combinations of Í3ÂÎ3,ÑàÑl2 and Ê2SÎ4 during three summer months in 2014 the water content of leaves was retained on a constant level. In the rest variants of the experiment the total content of water in leaves increased by the end of the vegetation.
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15.Roeva T.A., Panfilova O.V., Leonicheva E.V., Leontieva L.I., Vetrova O.A. (2014): Effect of foliar fertilizing on correlation of bound and free water in apple shootsin winter period. Subtropical and ornamental plants, 51: 255-261. (In Russian).
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Sedysheva G.A., Sedov E.N., Gorbacheva N.G., Serova Z.M., Melnik S.A. (2016): The analysis of ploidy of hybrid progeny in heteroploid apple crossings and development of triploid varieties.Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 73-76. (In Russian, English abstract). Available at: Ploidy of hybrid progeny from crossings 2x×4x and 4x×2x involving new tetraploid forms as a paternal component and in a series of combinations of columnar varieties as a maternal component has been analyzed. It is noted that apple breeding on a polyploidy level is a fairly promising direction. About 20 triploid apple varieties have been developed since 1970, 14 varieties have already been included in the State Register and regionalized in the Central region of Russia.
1.Kaptar S.G. (1967): A faster propionic-lacmoid method of preparing and staining temporary cytological specimens for plant chromosome counts. Cytology and genetics, 1(4): 87-90. (In Russian).
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