Since 2024, the journal has been published on the National Platform of Periodical Scientific Publications of the Russian Center for Scientific Research
Descriptions of new intermediate small-sized apple stocks of VNIISPK (All Russia Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding) breeding are presented in this article. Among dwarf stocks the 27-1-143 stock (obtained from the 3-4-98 × P-22 crossing) was of the greatest interest. It had an average yield of 20,4 kg per one tree that significantly exceeded the control variant. The most productive trees among semi dwarf ones were the trees on the intermediate stock 27-4-157 (3-4-98 × P-22). They significantly exceeded the control stock in the yield – 25,4 kg per one tree. Following the preliminary results these forms were the most promising ones. Using freezer "ESPEC" PSL-2 KPN, it was established, that in our zone those forms had a sufficient potential of the cold hardiness. No signs of incompatibility of studied varieties with those intermediate stocks were noted. Study of production valuable characters of the new intermediate stocks of VNIISPK breeding and determination of the best variety-stock combinations will make possible to give recommendations for orchard planting on these intercalary stocks.
2. Butenko A.I., Savelyev N.I., Yushkov A.N., Zhukova N.V. (2008): Automation of Evaluation of Damage Rate of Tissue and Buds of Apple Cultivars under Artificial Exposition to Frost. Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice. Vernadsky University, 2(2): 43-49. (In Russian).
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The results of the long-term stone fruit breeding at the VNIISPK are given. The breeding has been carried out in several directions. Intervarietal and interspecific crossings are the main breeding methods.
The results of studies of promising black currant varieties of VNIISPK breeding meeting the requirements for mechanic harvesting are give. The varieties for combine harvesting have been selected. These varieties provide high yield capacity, the recoupment of expenses in the third year after planting and high level of profitability.
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4. Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (ed.) (1999): Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops. Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
5. Yakimenko O.F., Novopokrovskiy V.S. (1988): Evaluation and selection of black currant varieties for machine harvest: the method. recommendations. Michurinsk, VNIIS. (in Russian).
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5. Sedov E.N., Ogoltsova T.P. (ed.) (1999): Program and methods of variety investigation of fruit, berry and nut crops. Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
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Tikhonova O. A., Gavrilova O. A., Pupkova N. A. Morpho-biological features of black currant - gooseberry hybrids in the North- West of Russia. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 42-60. Available at:
The morphological and biological characteristics and economic-valuable traits has been studied in black currant- gooseberry hybrids under conditions of the Russian Northwest. The timing of the main phenophases has been determined taking into account the required accumulated temperatures in the conditions of this region.The features of shoot growth were studied. Winter hardiness, self-fertility, productiveness, resistance to diseases and pests and some elements of productivity and chemical compounds of berries were estimated.
Pollen grains of tetraploid and their parental forms were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The main stages of microsporogenesis were investigated.
Pollen grains of hybrids are intermediate in currant and gooseberry pollen by their morphology. The diversity of forms of grains and the presence of small-sized grains are an additional characteristics of tetraploids.
The study revealed that the conditions of heat supply and the duration of the growing season is insufficient for the successful cultivation of these hybrids in the region. Black currant-gooseberry hybrids have important characteristics – resistance to fungal diseases, immune to bud mite and reversion and can be used as a valuable initial material in breeding programs.
2. Berbank L. (1955): Twelve other wonderful berry plants, which are material for breeding and creation of new forms. In: Selected Writings. Izdatelstvo inostrannoi literatury, Moscow: 416-429. (in Russian).
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7. Geints G. G. (1953): Biology of flowering and fertilization of gooseberries. In: The collection of papers of members of the scientific student society of The Leningrad Agricultural Institute. Leningrad, 1: 80-87 (in Russian).
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Khalekova N. I., Lyahova A. S. (2015): Dates of propagation by cuttings and rooting ability of clone cherry rootstocks. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 61-64. Available at:
The rooting ability of soft-wood cuttings of clone cherry rootstocks was studied with the account of the propagation dates, shoot zones from which the cuttings were taken and the effect of plant growth regulators on the output and quality of the rootstock material. The results are presented.
During the process of propagation by cuttings the sum of effective temperatures >10°C should exceed 750°C.
The studied regulators of plant growth, such as Epin-Extra and FlorHumat, positively influence upon the rooting ability of soft-wood cuttings of clone rootstocks.
1. Asadulaev Z.M. (1985): Features of clone apple rootstock propagation by softwood cuttings. In: Col. Sci. Works Problems of vegetative propagation in horticulture. Moscow, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy: 40-46. (In Russian).
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3. Polikarpova F.Ya., Pilyugina V.V. (2008): Growing of planting material by means of softwood cuttings. Moscow, Agropromizdat. (In Russian).
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Salina E. S., Levgerova N. S., Sidorova I. A. (2015): The effect of phenolic compounds on consumer qualities of black currant stewed fruit. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 65-70. Available at:
The effect of anthocyans and catechin contents on organoleptic qualities was studied in stewed fruit of 26 black currant genotypes. Direct dependence was determined between the content of anthocyans in stewed fruit and its tasting assessment for appearance, r=+0.38**. Compotes with high rating points for appearance were characterized by the lowest and highest contents of anthocyans, respectively, while compotes with mean rating points for taste were up to one and the same standard in anthocyan content. There was no direct clear dependence between catechin content in compote and its taste rating, correlation coefficient r=+0.03. However, compotes with taste rating above 4.5 points were characterized by low content of catechins.
1. Levgerova N.S. (2009): Scientific substantiation of raw-stuff orchard creation on a genetic potential basis of fruit crops [Agric. Sci. Doctoral Thesis]. Orel, Orel State Agrarian University. (in Russian).
2. Levgerova N.S., Leonchenko V.G. (1999): Technological evaluation of cultivars. In: Sedov E.N. (ed.) Program and methods of variety trials of fruit, berry and nut crops. Orel, VNIISPK: 168-178. (in Russian).
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4. Lobanov G.A. (ed.) (1980): Program and methods of fruit, berry and nut crop breeding. Michurinsk, VNIIS. (in Russian).
5. Skorikova Yu.G. (1973): Polyphenolics of fruits and berries and flower formation of products. Moscow, – Ì.: Pishchevaya promyshlennost. (in Russian).
6. Upadyshev M.T. (2008): A role of phenolic compounds in the processes of vital activity of orchard plants. Moscow, Publishing House MSP. (in Russian).
7. Oszmianski J., Woidylo A. (2009): Effects of Blackcurrant and Apple Mash Blending on the Phenolics Contents, Antioxidant Capacity, and Colour of Juices. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 27(5): 338–351.
8. Vagiri M.R. (2014): Phenolic Compounds and Ascorbic Acid in Black Currant (Ribes nigrum L.) [Doctoral Thesis] Alnarp, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Golyshkin L. V. (2015): Studying of feature of external and internal architectonics of apple fruit affected by bitter pit. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 71-76. Available at:
In conditions of 2015 the features of external and internal architectonics of ‘Sinap Orlovsky‘ apples were analyzed in connection with affection by bitter pit. It was determined that the given disease carried non-infectious physiological character and was characterized by common symptoms. Probably, the late winter ripening of the cultivar and cultivation conditions in 2015 promoted smoother course of the illness. This disease is often accompanied by the occurrence of signs of one more physiological disease in the mesocarp – vitreousness of fruit tissues. Absence of calcium salts is observed in zone of affection (vascular bundles), i.e. histochemical reactions on organics acids and salts of organic and inorganic acids are practically absent. Occasionally in the zones adjoining the affection, an insignificant quantity of crystals of oxalic acid calcium is observed. In the rest, the disease proceeds with usual symptomatology. Some specific features peculiar to ‘Sinap Orlovsky‘ in the Orel region can be observed.
1. Kolyadich M. A. (2012): Apple variety evaluation for resistance to diseases and pests in the work-study unit of Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture. Minsk, BGSHA. (in Russian).
2. Sedov E. N. (ed.) (2005): Pomology. Vol.1. Apple. Orel, VNIISPK. (in Russian).
3. Prichko T. G. (1999): Apple varieties with high biologically determined keeping quality. In: Scientific bases of sustainable gardening in Russia. Michurinsk. (in Russian).
4. Prichko T. G., Smelik T. L. (2015): Efficiency of new preparations containing calcium against bitter pit of apple fruit. In: Nauchnye trudy SKZNIISiV [Scientific publications of SKZNIISiV]. Krasnodar, SKZNIISiV (In Russian).
5. Prichko T. G., Chalaya L. D., Smelik, T. L. (2015): Influence of features of anatomical structure of apples on the resistance to bitter pit disease. Novye tekhnologii [New Technologies], 1: 129-136.
6. Ryabchinskaya T.A., Kharchenko G.L. (2006): Ecologization of apple protection from harmful organisms. Moscow, FGNU Rosinformagrotekh. (In Russian).
Pavlenkova G. A. (2015): Estimation of Spiraea L. species of VNIISPK arboretum gene pool. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 77-85. Available at:
Nowadays, Spiraea L. species are widely used in greenbelt setting among ornamental bushes. However, various Spiraea L. species are characterized by a different degree of adaptation to unfavorable abiotic and biotic factors of the environment. The object of this investigation was to study the adaptation degree of Spiraea L. species from the VNIISPK arboretum and reveal promising species that keep high ornamental appearance in conditions of the changing climate and increasing technogenic load. 16 Spiraea L. species of different origin were studied. As a result of the investigations in 2014…2015, eight Spiraea L. species were revealed as the most promising ones for greenbelt setting: S. × vanhouttei (Briot) Zab., S. chamaedryfolia L., S. gemmata Zab. and S. media Fr. Schmidt of spring flowering; S. albiflora (Miq.) Zbl. f. alba, S. albiflora (Miq.) Zbl. f. rosea, S. × bumalda Burv. cv. Anthony Waterer and S. japonica L. of summer flowering.
1. Aksenov E.A., Aksenova N.A. (2001): Ornamental horticulture for amateur and professional growers. Trees and bushes. Moscow, AST-Press. (In Russian).
2. Golovach A.G. (1980): Trees, shrubs and lianas of the Botany Garden of the USSR. Leningrad, Nauka. (in Russian).
3. Dubovitskaya O.Yu. (2014): The results of introduction of Siberian tree and shrub plants to the Central Chernozem Region of Russia. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Problems of Botany of Southern Siberia and Mongolia. Barnaul, IP Kolmogorov I.A.: 256-259. (in Russian).
4. Dubovitskaya O. Yu., Tsoy Ì. F., Pavlenkova G. À., Masalova L. I., Firsov A. N. (2015): The gene pool conservation and basic results of plant introduction of arboretum of The All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 2: 111-122. Available at: (in Russian).
5. Ivanova Z.Ya., Perepadin A.A. (2003): Ornamental wood plants (trees, bushes, lianas) and ways of their propagation. Simferopol, Tavriya. (In Russian).
6. Lapin P.I., Sidneva S.V. (1975): The assessment of plant species freezing degree. In: Woody plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Nauka: 18-19. (In Russian).
7. Lebedev A.N., Zolotareva E.V., Tsoy M.F. (ed.) (2003): Guidelines for the practical training for students of specialty 260500– Gardening and Landscaping. Orel, OrelGAU. (In Russian).
8. Plotnikova L.S. (2004): Spireas. Moscow, Izd. Dom MSP. (In Russian).
9. Yurova G.S., Kalinicheva L.N. (1995) : Collection of ornamental tree and bush plants of the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. In: Breeding and variety investigation of horticultural crops. VNIISPK, Orel, 283-290. (in Russian).
Emelyanova O. Yu., Tsoy Ì. F. (2015): Evaluation and conservation of the gene pool of birch family plants (Betulaceae C.A.Agardh) in the arboretum of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 86-96. Available at:
The birch family (Betulaceae CAAgardh) is one of the oldest families of woody plants on the planet. Plants of this family are widespread in Russia. The purpose of this work is to identify highly resistant species of ornamental plants of the birch family (Betulaceae CAAgardh) of arboretum at the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding for using in landscaping. Currently, the representatives of the three genera of the birch family (Betulaceae CAAgardh) grow in the collection. The birch genus (Betula L.) includes 15 species. The hazel genus (Corylus L.) includes 2 species and 1 form. The alder genus (Alnus Mill.) includes 1 species. The studies were conducted during four years (2012…2015). The general condition of plants, the winter hardiness, the crown density, the degree of flowering and fruiting, the resistance to pests and diseases, the evaluation of ornamental plants were studied. Taking into account all the studied factors, 6 species of birch family (Betulaceae C.A.Agardh) occurred to be the most promising. They are Betula lenta L., Betula caerulea-grandis Blanch., Betula litwinowii Doluch., Betula manshurica (Rgl.) Nakai, Betula Raddeana Trautv. and Corylus colurna L. These types can be recommended for use in green building in Central Russia.
1. Golovach A.G. (1980): Trees, shrubs and lianas of the Botany Garden of the USSR. Leningrad, Nauka. (in Russian).
2. Dubovitskaya O.Yu. (2014): The results of introduction of Siberian tree and shrub plants to the Central Chernozem Region of Russia. In: Proc. Int. Conf. Problems of Botany of Southern Siberia and Mongolia. Barnaul, IP Kolmogorov I.A.: 256-259. (in Russian).
3. Dubovitskaya O.Yu., Zolotareva E.V. (2010): Flowering trees and shrubs for landscaping of low-rise building. Vestnik OrelGAU, 2: 72-77 (in Russian).
4. Kornilov B.B., Dolmatov E.A. (2014): Winter hardiness estimation of ornamental pome crops (apple, pear) by field method. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 3: 19-24. Available at: (in Russian).
5. Korchagina I.A. Betulaceae. In: Takhtadzhyan A.L. (ed.) Plant life in 6vol. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 5(1): 311-324. (In Russian).
6. Lapin P.I., Sidneva S.V. (1975): The assessment of plant species freezing degree. In: Woody plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Nauka: 18-19 (in Russian).
7. Pavlenkova G.A. (2014): Winter hardiness evaluation of syrínga species and cultivars under Orel region. Subtropicheskoe i dekorativnoe sadovodstvo [Subtropical and ornamental plants], 50: 244-250. (In Russian).
8. Tamberg T.G., Ulyanova T.N. (1969): Methodical regulations on studying collection of ornamental plants. Leningrad, N.I.Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry. (in Russian).
9. Tyurina M.M. (1978): Rapid estimation of fruit and berry crop winter hardiness. VASKhNIL, Miscow. (in Russian).
Komarov V.L. (ed.) (1936): Flora of the USSR. Leningrad, Akademiya nauk SSSR, 6:252-319. (in Russian).
Emelyanova O. Yu., Khromova Ò. M. (2015): The natural biotopes of Orel region towns. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 97-104. Available at:
The inventory and monitoring of the natural biotopes of flora of Bolkhov, Dmitrovsk, Livny, Maloarkhangelsk, Mtsensk, Oryol and Novosil have been conducted since 2008. The forest, meadow, steppe areas, ponds, reservoirs shore, damp and wetlands were identified and investigated. The placing of the natural biotopes of the towns corresponds to the natural zoning of the region and reflects the transition from forest to forest-steppe zone. Bolhov is the forest zone. Orel, Mtsensk, Dmitrovsk, Novosil, Maloarkhangelsk and Livny are the forest-steppe zone. Intrazonal vegetation is represented by communities of meadows, wetlands and river floodplains. As a result of the research it has been found that in natural biotopes of Oryol region towns the intense sinantropization is observed on the background of unification of urban vegetation, and the proportion of adventitious plants is increasing. The presence of a large number of adventitious species in the natural biotopes is indicative of a significant transformation of the natural environment and degradation of the natural vegetation cover.
1. Agafonova L.A. (2010): Flora of Belgorod town. [biol. sci. cand. thesis]. Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow. (in Russian).
2. Bulgakov I.L. (2013): Flora of Orel town. [biol. sci. cand. thesis]. I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk State University, Bryansk. (In Russian).
3. Dubovitskaya O.Yu. (2013): Creating stable environment improving phytotechnologies in Central Chernozem region of Russia. Problems of Biological, Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 11: 20-26. (in Russian).
4. Ilminskikh N.G. (1994): Ecotopological structure of the urban flora. In: Proc. III work meeting for comparative floristic Urgent problems of comparative study of floras. Sankt-Peterburg, Nauka. (In Russian).
5. Maksimov A. A. (2006): Flora of Arkhangelsk town. [biol. sci. cand. thesis]. Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow. (in Russian).
6. Radygina V. I., Tsutsupa T. A. (2010): Vegetational cover of Nepretz gully: a textbook for students of biological faculties of high schools. Orel, GOU VPO OGU. (In Russian).
Masalova L. I., Firsov A. N. (2015): Promising ornamental bushes of the North America zone and Far East in the VNIISPK arboretum. Sovremennoe sadovodstvo – Contemporary horticulture, 4: 105-112. Available at:
Ornamental bushes are widely used in greenbelt setting. However, not all species have sufficient resistance to unfavorable biotic and abiotic factors of the environment. The object of these studies is to reveal highly ornamental resistant bushes of the VNIISPK arboretum. Acanthopanax såssiliflorus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Seem., Berberis ottawiensis f. purpurea Schneid (B.thunbergii x B.vulgaris), Mahonia aquifolia (Pursch) Nutt, Mahonia pinnata (Lag.) Fedde, Cotoneaster lucidus Schlecht, Cotoneaster divaricatus Rehd. et Wils., and Cotoneaster foveolatus Rehd. et Wils. showed high resistance to pests and diseases. The ornamental appearance of these species is maintained during the whole year with the absence of aging signs. These species may be recommended for greenbelt setting in the middle zone of Russia.
1. Aleksandrova M.S. (1999): Aristocrats of the orchard: beautifully blooming bushes. Moscow, Fiton. (In Russian).
2. Golovach A.G. (1980): Trees, shrubs and lianas of the Botany Garden of the USSR. Leningrad, Nauka. (in Russian).
3. Dubovitskaya O.Yu. (2014): Collection of herbal introducing plants of VNIISPK arboretum as a source of diversity of species for planting of greenery in settlements. In: Proc. Conf. Urgency of V.N. Khitrovos ideas in the investigation of biological diversity in Russia, Orel, Sept. 18-20, 2014: 60-63. (in Russian).
4. Dubovitskaya O.Yu. (2013): Creating stable environment improving phytotechnologies in Central Chernozem region of Russia. Problems of Biological, Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 11: 20-26. (in Russian).
5. Tamberg T.G., Ulyanova T.N. (1969): Methodical regulations on studying collection of ornamental plants. Leningrad, N.I.Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry. (in Russian).